
Sean Carroll: The Nature of the Universe, Life, and Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence Podcast

Lex Fridman

Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist at Caltech, specializing in quantum mechanics, gravity, and cosmology. He is the author of several popular books: one on the arrow of time called From Eternity to Here, one on the Higgs boson called The Particle at the End of the Universe, and one on science and philosophy called The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself. He has an upcoming book on Quantum Mechanics that you can preorder now called Something Deeply Hidden. He writes one of my favorite blogs on his website I recommend clicking on the Greatest Hits link that lists accessible, interesting posts on the arrow of time, dark matter, dark energy, the Big Bang, general relativity, string theory, quantum mechanics, and meta questions about the philosophy of science, God, Ethics, Politics, Academia, and much much more. Finally, and perhaps most famously, he is the host of a podcast called Mindscape that you should subscribe to and support on Patreon. This conversation is part of the Artificial Intelligence podcast. Audio podcast version is available on

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0:00 – Introduction
2:21 – Understanding the universe and the mind
4:03 – Universe as an information processing system
9:34 – Simulation theory thought experiment
14:33 – Intelligent life in the observable universe
15:34 – Defining intelligent life
19:34 – SpaceX and space exploration
21:05 – Origin of life
29:40 – Interdisciplinary science and conversation

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38 thoughts on “Sean Carroll: The Nature of the Universe, Life, and Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence Podcast
  1. I really enjoyed this conversation with Sean. Here's the high-level outline:
    0:00 – Introduction
    2:21 – Understanding the universe and the mind
    4:03 – Universe as an information processing system
    9:34 – Simulation theory thought experiment
    14:33 – Intelligent life in the observable universe
    15:34 – Defining intelligent life
    19:34 – SpaceX and space exploration
    21:05 – Origin of life
    29:40 – Interdisciplinary science and conversation

  2. I can prove, well okay almost, that we are a simulation. The duality of subatomic particals, to me hands down prove it. Think how much computing power it saves not having to compute the exact position 0f 99.999999999999999999% of all the subatomic particles in the universe. And if we are simulations, then surely, our "God" is living amongst us. Smoke that in your brain!

  3. Isn't phantom energy just an electrical leak resulting in lost power if a device is left plugged in? I don't understand how this would lead to the loss of the recording. Do you mind elaborating?

  4. Computation is ubiquitous in the universe. Humans thought is poor in comparison. Take for example torus canards which satisfy the Gandy criteria, the following five operations essential to a computing machine:
    The juxtaposition of attractive and repulsive forces that comprise the fundamental arithmetic functions +, −, where − indicates "proper" subtraction x − y = 0 if y ≥ x.

    Any sequence of operations is an operation.

    Iteration of an operation (repeating n times an operation P).

    Conditional iteration (repeating n times an operation P conditional on the "success" of test T).

    Conditional transfer (i.e., conditional "goto").

  5. When people refer to the space time continuum. I feel that it paints an incomplete picture. I like to call it the Matter Space Time Continuum. Why is it here? I don't know if science will ever be able to solve that one.

  6. It would be GREAT if Sean Carroll directly addressed Thomas Aquinas' a posteriori proofs by reason for God and his argument for the human mind (notice that Sean wants to only say brain @ 2:21 onward, and thereby doesn't actually answer Lex's question, since Lex's question isn't about the brain, but rather about the mind). No sensible person understands Aquinas and walks away an atheist.

  7. here from JRE – very glad to hear you started your own channel. this is the first video i chose to watch and i love it 5min in. youtube wise you're doing it right. post video conversations in long form and make your own sharable cuts a long with the high-level outlines. I really enjoy it man great work. i'm a fan.

    i work as a software engineer dealing primarily with corporate solutions servicing and breaking into AI in the way of machine learning – preemptive tickets being opened before a server goes down and transferring to a failover and automating the logging, investigation and startup – its wild to think and explain where all of this should and can go. i find myself explaining to clients the interconnections and how triggers are set as well as how the machine learning evolves over time to better suit their eco-system and i see their eyes glaze over and awkwardly try to stop talking really before i even get started .. .needless to say your conversations here allow for that outlet and mind to run. just started my own company too refining and standardizing the implementation above – cheers man

  8. He is basically telling everyone that he's not human this whole time
    "Your species"
    "You've never met me, how do u know I'm human. May come out later I'm not"

  9. Programmer, engineer, & artificial intelligence designer who promises & assures you that humans are perfectly competent enough to deign a positive & benign AI system that we have nothing to worry about; fails to produce a simple YouTube a/v recording in the age that children are more & more so overwhelmingly competent in the same online streaming field.

  10. think a better question is, is the world a program (not a computer), it can either be a running in a purpose built computer, or running in a naturally occurring construct (in the parent world)

  11. To cap it all, these wisdom titan s should have a wisdom of round table lasting a day or two ( just to be in line with the legendary scale ) exchange. The line up.. Richard Dawkins, David Suzuki, Tyson, Angela Merkel and others. Just a humble wishful thinking. Heartfelt Thanks . From HK

  12. If we are able to synthesize life inside the lab we can't still conclude that was how life originated. There could be multiple ways in which life can originate and we might be scratching just one of them.

  13. But simulated universes might be procedurally generated, therefore the size of it is not necessarily wasteful, but merely the result of generation over time. And it wouldn't necessarily be just one person that is simulated, but multiple people experiencing it, each of them fed the data of the same simulated universe, corrected for individual perspective.

  14. I would love to see Lex walk out at the end of the podcast and tell the guests they've been talking to a robot version of himself this whole time

  15. life can be rare and sparce why not? What an idiot he says its unlikely to have a mid point on very weak grounds (which i understand) and puts forth 1 instance of life as a higher chance than sparce life in a massive universe which is also plausible despite what he says , the dimmest guy so far…….why cant it be rare and sparce with so much space difficulties traveling it, and perhaps the parameters for life being low in likelihood might need a number of variables that simple dont happen that often

  16. I love Sean, but he makes me so mad sometimes because he is so insightful in physics but SO illogical when it comes to the mind. And actually quite unscientifically dogmatic. Let me explain. His answer to the first question: when asked about the mind, he changes the answer to "the human brain" (subtley rephrasing the question?) and then has this reflexive "Ugh" when it is suggested physics has anything to do with how the mind works, after acknowledging glibly (his words) that the brain is "part of" the universe. Come on Sean, you are not putting two and two together, let me just say this for you. The mind is the WAVE, the brain is the PARTICLE. After this paradigm shift everything is clear. As they've discovered in physics, the wave is what is "real" or "fundamental", and the particle is a "manifestation" or "appearance". This is a direct implication of what YOUR OWN fancy physics says. The continuous, wave-like abstract-imagination-mind is what is real! The brain is a type of manifestation OF IT.

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