
Semiotics, Symbols, Imagery, Fakery, Distraction and Objectified Schmaltz Anent Political Ideology

Lionel Nation

This is a tad truncated in that there were some sound glitches after my recording. But the presentation was so damn riveting that I’ve included it herein for your perusal, edification and delight along with some editiorial license. Enjoy. Or else.

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21 thoughts on “Semiotics, Symbols, Imagery, Fakery, Distraction and Objectified Schmaltz Anent Political Ideology
  1. Beg to differ with you, as I'm a Libertarian & don't smoke dope or use drugs. Believe in the Constitution in the manner of the Founding Fathers. So, I have to disagree with your analysis of Libertarian. Otherwise, I love listening to you. And did not vote for that idiot Gary Johnson.

  2. In 1968 the C.I.A. coined the phrase conspiracy theories and applied the label to anyone that questioned the warren commission’s investigation of J.F.K. assassination,but now it looks like the fake news phrase is going to replace it . I can see it now . Where did you get that info from ? The fake news? I don't think it is going to work though because to many of us are onto their game now .

  3. I will admit that 9 months ago I realized that I was still on "milk" when it came to what was really happening in our nation, not to mention world news. I had been spoon fed by MSM for so long that I became use to the mouth-feel of the pureed news even though I found it hard to swallow most of the time. I never thought about seeking news from another source. I must thank you Lionel. I might not be ready for my "Masters", but I definitely have my "Associate" because of sources as yours.?

  4. why do people wear ties are they symboltons,  anyway I think people should stop trying to compensate so much and just buy my boats, Have a great day Lionel, I found this bite sized broadcast very well suited for the man on the go, but a tad offensive in part:) hope all is good,Mark

  5. Mike: It's like a venn diagram. People don't really fit neatly into labels of groups, unless willingly in order to make a statement of member or belonging. I consider myself somewhat classical liberal, but it's not a neat fit. It all depends on the issue. What did Ed Koch say? If you agree with me 70% of the time, vote for me, if you agree with me 100% of the time, see a psychiatrist. Something like that. I've never been a groupie of any stripe anyway. Neither are you.

  6. Left-Right paradigm isn't the import one, it's the vertical axis, authority versus liberty that matters and Mike, I don't smoke dope. I haven't for almost 30 years.

  7. Flush your heart and head gear, you have such contempt for your fellow Americans, it is sickening. Rather than have any compassion whatsoever, and understanding, you mock them, and their beliefs. I tell you this: your profession has done real damage to those that can't defend themselves, and finding those with law degrees, behind every form of evil is well known, if that isn't putting to fine a point on it.

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