Boston Dynamics

Spot at Ontario Power Generation: Automating Circuit Breaker Tripping and Racking

Boston Dynamics

There are an estimated 30,000 instances of arc flash each year in the United States alone, and one to two fatalities occur daily in North America. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has five Boston Dynamics’ Spot robots deployed throughout their Enterprise Innovation division. In 2022, the team sought to see if Spot’s dexterous arm could be used to assist in tripping and racking out a 600 volt breaker—an activity that is high risk for arc flash. Now, Boston Dynamics engineers have taken this application to the next level by fully automating the procedure. Spot can perform the entire operation autonomously, with a human issuing high level commands safely out of harm’s way.

#PowerGeneration #bostondynamics #Robotics #spot


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29 thoughts on “Spot at Ontario Power Generation: Automating Circuit Breaker Tripping and Racking
  1. Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going Keep on going

  2. What we really need is a communication between multiple robots to accomplish tasks.
    Imagine two spots working the tools with big dog carrying a bunch of tools to repair major systems.

  3. As sick as this is I just dont think automation is the key starting point for spot. I think 360 vr, point and move, real time arm articulation is the best way to get data for the algorithms you guys use.

  4. Watching Spot evolve over the years has been really cool. I remember back when Boston Dynamics was just making big clunky robots that could walk or run around and not really do much else, they were still really cool for their time, but they’ve developed so much now

  5. Hello the Master Class for the team Boston Dynamique 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  6. i did the hv rack out course, was 5 x days. scared the shit out of me and didnt do the required houts to get the lisense

    i was a 12/24v auto elec working in the water industry

  7. That's nice how he can protect workers. Now, where's my consumer-tier Spot to make me a coffee and save me 5 minutes of time? ;]

  8. Какая практическая польза от этого Спота сейчас? По-моему никакой кроме рекламы BD

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