
STARITE CONCEPT ART! CORRUPTED GEM, THE SLINKER?! [Steven Universe Theory / Discussion]

Had some audio troubles on 1 or 2 videos like this where there’s a feint popping noise so my apologies in advance, I didn’t think it was too terrible but still. ANYWAYS HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THE SLINKER AND IT’S FEW APPEARANCES ALONG SIDE STARITE AND THEIR ABILITIES? What are your thoughts, theories, breakdowns, analysis, speculations, and other thought provoking words on this? Enjoy!


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31 thoughts on “STARITE CONCEPT ART! CORRUPTED GEM, THE SLINKER?! [Steven Universe Theory / Discussion]
  1. This fascinates me. I would like to see new gems with new powers and just generally magic being explored in more detail. On a completely separate note I had a thought today that the soap opera that Peridot watches that also four Shadows future plot points might be a reference to an invitation to love from Twin Peaks. I started a re-watch of Steven Universe right after my most recent rewatch of Twin Peaks and it immediately stuck out to me.

  2. Did anybody else notice that the first episodes in the series were packed with elements of strange magic and other such Mysteries? Take for example the time manipulating hourglass. All those elements made the world and Gem culture in general seem ancient and mysterious. I really hope we get a return to that sort of thing in the future.

  3. The fact that the Slinker has a canon name makes me think she/it was an important Gem on Homeworld just like how Centipeedle was a fleet commander during the war. Also her original gemstone hasn't been revealed, unlike a less important one like the Watermelon Tourmaline pufferfish.

  4. I really want to know why the Crystal Gem insignia is a star like did Starite had anything to do with it? I have a feeling that Jasper, Centipedle, the Corrupted gem that Peridot bubbled, and the Slinker would be the first ones to get uncorrupted. Idk but I really love your videos ?

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