
Steven Pinker and Malcolm Gladwell on economists

Sanction Pundits

From the Munk debate on progress 2015.


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5 thoughts on “Steven Pinker and Malcolm Gladwell on economists
  1. Of course it's an economic problem. If solar was cheaper than all fossil fuels, and available to everyone on earth, the problem would be instantly solved.

  2. I think there is a failure in knowing how broad economics is. The five basic principles: rationality, costs, benefits, incentives, and marginal analysis–probably do cover the bulk of the climate change issue. Even if we're talking about changing human behaviour, we are looking at incentives as to what would produce that change.

    Unless the change is totally political I suppose, and we get technocratic and authoritarian about the problem, which would certainly not be on the advice of Pinker 😂

  3. I lost so much respect for Malcolm Gladwell in this debate. It's as if he forget that he made his career on the work of a psychologist who won the Nobel Prize in Economics.

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