
Steven Pinker: Everything Is Actually Awesome

To The Best of Our Knowledge

Cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker is the author of “Enlightenment Now: the Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress.” He argues that despite how we might feel when we read the daily news, if we pull back and gain some broad perspective? We’re actually living in amazing times.


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One thought on “Steven Pinker: Everything Is Actually Awesome
  1. In his latest book, status quo warrior Pinker says people who identify as progressive "actually hate progress" because their aggressive push for reform is somehow unthankful for the cell phones and vaccinations that western civ has provided for them. He wonders what there is to cry about when GDP is high? He complains about "SJW"s and paints the left as "pessimistic" whereas his metrics and statistics are meant to espouse a certain optimism, but this is backwards: he's really the pessimistic one in his doubt that we as a society should raise the bar further, and we who recognize the need for aggressive reform are optimistic that we can achieve it despite curmudgeons like Pinker who try to dissuade good people from activism with empty, condescending rhetoric and cherry-picked data. Steal his book and take a drink every time you roll your eyes. There's a 0% chance that history looks back kindly on Pinker's reactionary commentary

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