Art Theory

Still Life Drawing Tutorial

Fine Art Academy

Still Life Drawing Tutorial
Still life painting
Still Life Drawing Tutorial for beginner


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18 thoughts on “Still Life Drawing Tutorial
  1. I'm going through still life drawing course as well, but my teacher here advises me against smudging the carbon. However i find smudging extremely useful when drawing shiny, glazed surfaces. Should i use this technique?

  2. Why the artist flips his hand a few times? Does he measure the proportion of the images or the shade of his hand? Why does he do that, anybody knows?

  3. I especially like the drawing, but it isn't much of a tutorial if there isn't someone speaking. personally I learn better if someone is speaking, telling me the materials, what they are doing as of how the video illustrates it. this is more of a demonstration than a tutorial. no hate to you or anyone else.

  4. Is there no audio to this? I find I don't learn unless the artist is speaking as they are drawing telling us what they are doing. , I don't get much from just watching someone draw.

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