Consciousness Videos

Stuart Hammerof – Quantum Physics of Consciousness

Closer To Truth

Are quantum events required for consciousness in a very special sense, far beyond in the general sense that quantum events are part of all physical systems? What would it take for quantum events, on such a micro-scale, to be relevant for brain function, which operates at the much higher level of neurons and brain circuits? What would it mean?

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Stuart Hameroff, MD, is a physician and researcher at the University Medical Center at the University of Arizona.

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43 thoughts on “Stuart Hammerof – Quantum Physics of Consciousness
  1. You dumb humans if consciousness Out generated or was in the brain then you could transfer to another body but that can't be done you can make a copy of human memory but you can't even detect it

  2. This idiots are so ignorant that doesn't even know that consciousness is not part of the brain it's not generated on the brain or any physical human organ

  3. There’s something immaterial, unquantifiable, and ineffable about consciousness that none of these folks will ever be able to fit into an equation, and that mortifies some of them to the point of incoherence. But thanks for playing.

  4. ?what is consciousness… well… is primary auto-awareness…
    (you understand you are an entity,,, and embbeded in "your world… enviroment… ecosystem…" )
    is it possible to prosper in a digital ecosystem??? sure… but… long discussion ahead!!!

    ?do you have to obtain a certain "intelligence" threshold to be self-awareness -> sure!!!
    ?do you have to gain a certain level of "understanding" to have intelligence -> sure!!!
    but… long… long… long… discussion ahead!!!

    are these processes biological -> chemistry –> physics —> quantum —-> ???
    our understanding are now beyond the chemistry… and moving…

  5. Stuart Hammerof is quite the hero to me. One day his work will be fully acknowledged, when matter only science lets go of its clockwork/billiard ball view of the Universe. Quantum science is the next spring board to great discoveries, already happening. Orch OR has not been proven wrong yet. The "wet-warm" objection has been dealt with. Stuart (and Prof. Penrose) knows his stuff. Wish the interviewer would let him speak more instead of interrupting so much.

  6. Interviewer needs to tone down his conscious or unconscious disparaging manner – very unpleasant to see him doing it when the person that he is interviewing to is clearly extremely intelligent and knowledgeable.

  7. I remember this guy from a lecture on youtube from 13 years ago that was attended by many academics. He explained this same theory, and Lawrence Krauss basically brushed him off and told him in the lecture that he was totally wrong about his understanding of Quantum Mechanics. This guy couldn’t answer him and stormed off.

  8. Exactly the right Questions. Thank you. Because pushing the problem into the realm of Quantum answers nothing. The hard Problem remains entirely.

  9. Gravity must follow photons, but gravitational information flows can cross a photon's path at right angles with no appreciable non-supportive effect except possibly being further impacted beyond any effect of any perpendicular light it inevitably would follow. As a first approximation I prefer here to analogize the passive aspect of consciousness to the cross-flow's minimal impact on collapse. I suppose the active aspect of consciousness can manipulate internal low-temperature elastic gravitational energy flows to simulate a more-complicated collapse occurring by other means, external to the mind.

  10. With a flow-based gravity that is encouraged by low-energy bindings within low-energy loose conglomerates of molecules, a simple one that may naturally focus at ultra-cold temperatures on baryonic nearest neighbors, you have a quasi-cyclic passage out of any universal heat-death situation, and a fine explanation of dark matter filaments, not to mention a fine visualization for noisy entanglement links needing no locally-oppressive wormhole. The popular option is to depress everyone else with general relativity.

  11. Collapse is subjective because, reminiscent of general relativity, it's a quantum averaging of gravity effects that may freely care not about every detail of the original gravitational quanta involved.

    Seems clear no one in the mainstream has caught on to an appealing incorporation of an aspect of Planck-scale false-vacuum-relative "negative energy" bubbles whereby baryons may simply form streams of significantly dipole-like attractive gravitational quanta not following Planck's relation or Heisenberg's probing limits on (size)x(energy) for electromagnetic quanta.

  12. He explains nothing if he doesn't explain how a quantum mechanical effect in a single neuron somehow integrates and sums. At first, he just hand waves over that as if the 'consciousness' of a single neuron prior to a single axion or action potential counts as consciousness, which is nonsensical. And then when he gets called out on it, abandons it at the drop of a hat a moment later and waves a technobabble 'coherence' magic wand with no plausible mechanism and zero proof any entangling is going on. Occam's razor doesn't need any of it.

    If consciousness was quantum effects from tubules physically present in all your neurons, rather than a complex feedback-looped electrical pattern, it wouldn't be affected by drugs in the ways it is. Nuerochemicals and drugs don't change the number of tubules, or their unexplained entanglement. Their quantum theory babble simply fails basic evidential data and makes no sense.

    They are engaged in the fallacy called arguing from ignorance. We don't understand X, therefore Y.
    Don't stop trying, but also, a hard no. We do science, not fallacies.

  13. Gosh, first time seeing Robert like this, open your mind, you don't have to sound THAT skeptical about an idea, especially an amazing idea like this one that explains consciousness.

  14. This why l laugh at the whole notation of IA. The hubris of mankind, we dont even understand the mechanisms of our own consciousness. And yet, we think cramming a bunch of silicone and metals into a cold room is how we will do it.

  15. Reality is infinite. Once we find out these problems we will have another question, what causes those? And then what causes those? And so on and so on, just as physics has done with 'matter' zoomed in further and further and just keep getting more stuff. I believe reality could be infinite and so what would be the base level? What seems to come from nothing? thoughts. Try and think about where your thoughts come from, nowhere, you have no control over them either. Consciousness is the base level of reality, science is just studying the fractals of it, which goes on forever 🙂

  16. Im or not not explains YOU has cinscience . When life brains works reality out and in . Conscienc inside brains is out or in. Are you existe? No.

  17. Quantum computers with an embodied system the same as a human (so same inputs like light detectors/eyes, vibrating molecule detectors/microphones, temperature and weight detection etc..) will give rise to ai that will be conscious of objective reality. Mark my words.

  18. Consciousness appears at a young age of around 3-5years old. The way Consciousness evolves in infants is really simple and direct. For the first 4 to 5 years of the infant the only function it's doing is gather as much information about the environment and its body and this function is very automated and there is no perception of time. At around 5 years the child would have geographically located its self (body) in the environment and realized that all the points in its body were separated from its environment. At this point the concept of time manifest because you need to track all points of self and all points of the environment with coordinates and distance in time. What this means is that Consciousness has 3 major functions 1. To located self in the environment by coordinates and time 2. To understand the information from the environment and your relation with the information in a storyline with time and 3. To predict the future outcome of the information from the environment. So Consciousness is the administrative tool that has temporal relation, a geographic coordinates and the translation or conceptualizing the information from the environment and are relation to that information. The conception of the words "I am" is the identification of self as coordinates in the environment and separated from the environment. So to conclude consciousness is an administrative tool that takes information from the environment with senses compares the information with memory for pattern recognition then sends the info to cognitive part of the brain to conceptualiz and predict the outcome with the information and then perform the action this is a loop that consciousness presents it in a storyline in first person. Philosopher Rikard dushi

  19. this rather crazy identity-theory is Penrose's seaky way to completely reject Everett's multi-universe theory, which he's happens to be very uncomfortable with

  20. As information integrates, there is greater order and lower entropy, which could cause the brain to become warmer. The brain is using energy from the nearby environment.

  21. Is the missing piece that a spark of panpsychic protoconsciousness is already present in matter? Are the quantum processes causing brain waves which are synchronized and resonating and is this explaining why music is so attractive to us? If Penrose sees something in this man, then he should be taken seriously.

  22. Consciousness is a field that encompasses all reality. It's effect's change based on the forms of matter and energy. It's the driving force with only one prime directive, to achieve All possible states.

  23. Why consciousness occurs to some human it's because they have the capacity to connect there memories of there past life and enter to the cpu of the planet. Where all human memories are recorded from the start of the system to the present but no one can recall from the start to present it can just various part of the memory of the brain that trigger sue to synapses. Why it occurred synapses due to drugs, fear and curiosity. Developed the charity of the mind frequency that tune to the right frequency of the system. Because we are now in the wrong frequency which we cannot connect the right frequency. Only the ancient being know that frequency and they can connect where they can see everything what's being recorded in the system which we think that they are God because they know already what's inside in our memory who we are and what we are. And they had a capacity to manipulate and transfer from one body to another. That's why they became immortal, and no one can surpassed them because there's no secret can be hidden.

  24. Eagerly awaiting for AI to achieve consciousness so that the 'you need quantum coherence to achieve it' argument goes away, consciousness is probably way simpler to achieve than people think and emerges naturally when certain more flexible thought processes or reasoning pathways are advantageous to navigate this world.

  25. I respect (and agree with) Hamerof's theory about the Near Death Experience and consciousness..he says at the point of death consciousness expands and is released into the universe with quantum entanglement keeping our awareness intact. This seems to explain the NDE or OBE whereby there appears to be a separation of consciousness at the point of death. There is certainly no evidence brain produces consciousness. I think he is correct about the microtubules acting as quantum computers allowing consciousness into the brain.

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