
The Art of Dodge & Burn — Series Three DVD by Krunoslav Stifter

The Art of Dodge & Burn — Series Three DVD

….more info and the free sample videos available on the website.

This new retouching tutorial DVD-ROM is deeply focused on THE MAIN TECHNIQUE used in the high end industry world of retouching. Dodging & Burning has been around since the analog age of photography. Although the principles remain the same, tools and the flexibility has been greatly improved since entering the digital age. This DVD will teach you everything you need to know to become a master of this retouching technique. It will teach you how to achieve amazing results with the help of Dodge & Burn elegance, flexibility and realism.

The DVD is packed with detailed explanations on everything you wanted to know, from what D&B is, how it’s used, applications, tools & custom methods to work flow considerations for more effective retouching and more. Your host Krunoslav Stifter will guide you in a one-on-one style beyond the simple use of native dodge and burn tools to more advanced retouching techniques used by some of the best retouchers in the world to achieve that which is nearly impossible with any other tool or filter — perfectly smooth natural looking skin. If you ever wondered how images that grace the covers of top fashion magazines such as Vogue or Elle are retouched, then this is THE DVD you have been looking for.

Dodge & burn theory and practice are used with a combination of slides and screen videos to provide an easy to follow way of explaining this sometimes poorly understood retouching technique. Most examples used in this video training title are focused on achieving smooth, but natural looking results regarding beauty skin retouching. But the underlying principles and the demonstrated techniques will work on any image in any genre of photography. As always the image files used in the tutorials are included for you to follow along and practice with. You can always rewind, forward, replay and pause any individual video to work at your optimal pace.

Skill Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Krunoslav Stifter


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17 thoughts on “The Art of Dodge & Burn — Series Three DVD by Krunoslav Stifter
  1. even if you do so, please, show some respect to the author.

    it's the least you can do if you are grateful for the money, time and effort he's taken to share his knowledge and achieve this valuable tutorial.

  2. How much skin retouching there is in your DVD? I mean how well can I retouch beauty images and portraits with you DVD techniques, or do I need to get some more tutorials about skin retouching or something other? Your DVD sounds very interesting, and I like that it is so many hours, seems to get worth for the money.
    Btw the videolinks do not work in the DigitalPhotoshopRetouching site.

  3. Well, ehat kind of retouching do you normally do? It's mostly about working on the skin and as you can see from the title it's using Dodge and Burn techniques. Which is the standard method used in the fashion industry. The reason why I focus mainly on one topic for so many hours is because previously it has not been well understand by many and it does requires a bit of practice. So by being exposed to it for so long you should get a very good sense of how it works and what can you do with it.

  4. Hello there. Firstly big thanks for making this DVD and sharing with us retouching techniques. Secondly I would like to ask you for help. In Video 3 Chapter 1 you talking about magical luminosity mask created in channels and copied into smart filters (highlights and shadows) but but there is no mention about how you actually created this mask. Please could you clarify this method? Thank you very much.  

  5. Hi Krunoslav,
    I have bought the DVD and I love it. Thank you so much for teaching us all the mysteries in dodge&burn, together with the DVD of Natalia Taffarel, I'm ready to go. And thank you for your positivism, it helped me decide what I do want to do in my life, even if a little later.

  6. i am looking your dvd now sory but so much bad … You can never finish a subject fully. Return to start with an adolescent after first lady did everything very mixed .. sory my english maybe so much bad …  i am sory again

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