
The Best Stocks to Invest in Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality

The Motley Fool

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The estimates for artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) are HUGE — both are projected to grow by tens of billions of dollars in the coming decade.

One estimate ballparks that the AR market would be worth $70 billion by 2023.

And AI could be even bigger, with experts saying the industry could soar from $21.5 billion in 2018 to $190 billion by 2025. That’s an annual growth rate north of 30%!

Both AI and AR are megatrends capable of touching any industry, from manufacturing to software, and everything in between.

Our analysts Seth Jayson and Jason Moser have been studying these spaces and they have a short list of companies they think could win big. That’s why they’re live on YouTube to talk about it!

After they run through the potential with AI and AR and name some stocks they like, they’ll take questions from the audience watching live!

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35 thoughts on “The Best Stocks to Invest in Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
  1. i understood IBM but other compnies that i dont know i m not sure can you write the name or the tickers just to be sure we are in the same page? concerning AI thank you

  2. Proverbial carrot on a stick! i am discontinuing my subscription on mf, very disappointed and disgusted with you! specifically the 4-digit clubs! always asking for money…i was a fool. haha!

  3. So in bear markets don’t buy stocks and put your money into an index? Is that what Moser says? Sometimes I just don’t seem to get a clear picture of their advice.

  4. Thank you for your AI/AR podcast, I see one of the viewers is leaving the MF SA service, I will not leave… I am now playing with over 800k of house money thanks to MF Stock Adviser picks in conjunction with Rule Breakers. Did Seth find the EU company that is redesigning chips based on shortening the significant digits to "the right of the decimal point" Thanks again… Fool On !

  5. I enjoy a Fool's point of view and this is the first time putting voices to faces. Regardless, I love the level headed, calm and logical viewpoint that Motley Fool preaches and delivers. Thank you for keeping me on an even keel. I continue to listen to the podcast(s) regularly. Keep on keeping on.

  6. Save you 30 minutes. AR and AI is growing fast and will seep into every business. Teradyne and Twilio are the 2 publicly traded stocks they mention otherwise invest in FANG stocks since they buy up any private up and comers. Oh yeah diversify and put money into a 401.

  7. I have a question about NVDA. It was mentioned in the podcast and has been recommended by MF on more than one occasion. But there is a lot of commentary out there saying that Nvidia's best days are behind them, and that other chip companies are getting ready to pass them up. Do you think Nvidia has lost their edge?

  8. How much is the price to invest in either "Teradyne" or "Twilio". I never did this before:),,, I know I can go to and order my kit and learn everything, but I like to know how much is the minimum to invest in one these stocks, prior to ordering my kit. And would you mind explain it to me in very simple English to understand? English is my second language 🙂 Thank you very much.

  9. Hello, Been following Motley Fool for a while and interested to consider investing into AR/AI stocks. Do you have the name of the UK-based company that is 'injecting more processing power into same cycle' mentioned by Seth (his mind went blank) ? Also, the ticker codes of Zilinx and Invidia (not sure I got these right) plus one mentioned in replies : Graphcore. Cheers !

  10. Augmented reality – pokemon go
    Overlays virtual content over the physical world
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    Take work from people. Let systems see relationships that people not even be able to comprehend

  11. I heard someone say something about go founders and onPassive. I seen logos on gas pumps for on passive. Not sure but i think its has something to do with marketing or something. Is this something i can get into? I really like to know. Im ready

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