
The Extended Mind Thesis

Jason Silva

Waxing philosophical on the “extended Mind thesis” put forth by cognitive philosophers David Chalmers and Andy Clark. Here I offer an imaginative, ecstatic interpretation of the idea.


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39 thoughts on “The Extended Mind Thesis
  1. This has, in my opinion, always been one of the more superficial ideas floating around transhumanist circles, which is saying something. One day we will extend our minds technologically. But it hasn't happened yet. Neither by plow, printing press or iphone. Your iphone isn't a part of you. It's a resource like any other.

    Words mean things, and the word 'mind' doesn't mean what this video implies.

  2. @RoboDouche Your looking at humans as a standard. We are the first example of what we are creating so its easy to simplify it like you are. 25 years ago we would not be watching this video we would not be having this conversation. I would not know your opinion of this thesis. I am reading a digital representation of what you thought.It tooks us millions of years to stand up right. If you were born 100 years ago today you would have seen more evolution than the previous billion years. Combined.

  3. Does vital respect have anything to do with morality or is it just misinterpreted? Which part of reasons (4)four spheres have any climatic apptitude. I willing to say your sexual appetite is the only thing you have reason with . . . I am not willing to say this about myself!

  4. @RoboDouche A persons iPhone IS and extension of their cognition. When a person sends a text message they are sending their thoughts through time and space at the speed of light. At this moment I am communicating my thoughts about this topic GLOBALLY, something that humans previously were unable to do. Its technologic mediated telepathy, but people have culturally conditioned to ignore such phenomena's. You say it hasn't happened yet, I say its already started baby.

  5. I think you may be underestimating the rapid growth of the cellular phone industry, or nano-technology and micro-chips for that matter. Everything is becoming smaller smarter, and user friendly. The concept of Apple's Siri was science fiction not even fifteen years ago. Is it not possible that the next stage of human evolution is actually the integration between man and moving parts? Man using tools is a natural phenomenon, man upgrading is tools is till in the same vein of creation.

  6. New (electronic) tools for knowing about the opportunities for action in the environment. Gibson called such perceivable opportunities of the environment the "affordances". Thus, they are affordances about afordances – or "metaffordances". Metafforances are tools that >afford amplification< of the environment's affordances. Try google metaffordance.

  7. You are not free, Jason Silva, nor are you on the path to becoming free. Your life is helplessly dependent on that toy you keep praising. Technological advances have merely provided our minds with new paths of least resistance so that we do less and less actual thinking, just as physical automation leads to laziness. We can communicate thoughts globally now, but our thoughts have less substance. We have sacrificed depth for breadth. And you want this automation to propagate?

  8. Listen. The fact that the way we live (and by we I mean those fortunate enough to – God Bless those otherwise) is changing so dramatically is actually the turning of the ages. I cant put it clearly into words but how else can you explain the past 100 years compared to the previous 10,000? Really ask yourself, and don't say "oh there were inventions." No. What's going to happen is either going to propel us through the universe or our race will self-destruct. Pick a side.

  9. is that why we live longer and healthier than ever before?
    is that why the effects of cell towers having a negative influence on our health has never been replicated?
    the result comes from a miscalculation, an error, commonly known as a false positive it happens and its the reason scientists test things so many times.
    the only reason any1 is talking about it is because all scientific findings get posted publically and we know how much the news feeds off bullshit drama

  10. yea but the negative side is that your more present in a digital world then the real reality … thats not gonna help you become anymore awake or enlightened..

  11. it would be sad if iphones were apart of people. technology is technology we can live with out it. our bodies are meant to be lived with out it we use it as a tool and thats it. i wish people would stop getting emotionally attached to these silly devices that let them observe there ego in depth by going on stupid websites like facebook and twitter

  12. the news doesn't talk cell phone towers harming us or anything like that the news wants us to be brain dead and know just about other peoples dramas… the last thing the people high up want is us to be worrying about our health.. why else would shitty fast food be pushed in our faces and other harmful things.

  13. yeah i dont know if you people believe it but theres pyschic abilities that we can possess called remote viewing and other things that allow us to talk to eachother just using our minds and no verbal talking… most people cant do this because they are to busy watching tv and being caught up in endless thinking. THINKING IS HUMANITIES GREATEST DISEASE, IT HAS POWER OF US AND THAT IS WHAT AN ADDICTION IS.

  14. what humanity needs isn't technological advancements its to look inwards through meditation to find out who we really are. not get more caught up in external things like technology

  15. We need both, But yes mainly the west needs to be more in touch with there spiritual side. Unfortunately meany people only use mediation as a tool for relaxing when it's really more then that. Not to mention religion probably wont adopt this practice, But let's stay optimistic.

  16. if the world woke up completely and realized that all religions are really one and then humanity made one basic structure of belief then in that structure would be meditation. Humans naturally meditate. they do in churches monasteries… in every religious place. The only problem is freeing the non spiritual from there compulsive thinking and show them that we can gain control over our minds body and planet

  17. iphones distract people from the real useful technology. Humanity right now doesnt need iphones we need one of those new energy sources like the ones all those brilliant people are making… or the technology of a car engine that runs on water. but instead these people mysteriously end up dead and the technology suppressed so that apple can make another version of the same damn phone.

  18. humans harness the ability to speak telepathically but don't realize is because they are staring at an iphone all day. i could just start thinking of my friend and he apears in my inner vision but my mind is not clear enough and i do not have enough belief. but if humanity were to understand the potential of the human consciousness then it would be easier

  19. Jason Silva (Mind Control) is just another Theosophical Shill, New Age Occultist, trying to push Transhumanism as a form of "evolution". This goes way back to Egyptian Occult Hermeticism and Kabbalah. It is nothing new, Silva is merely infusing this ancient agenda with New Age Psychobabble, and Luciferian Scientism, laced with Omega Point Teilhard de Chardin brainwashing…the same stuff we see with Kurzweil, Terrance McKenna, and all the rest. We see this Silva type of rant everywhere now.

    Technology is going to project Man into an Infinite Virtual Reality, where everything is possible and all knowledge will be yours…blah blah blah…. lol Yeah, haven't we heard this crap before, somewhere??? "◄ Genesis 3:5 ►" For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God…" It is the same old shtick, with a Meth head, upstart, green behind the ears, Silva Christmas bow on it, that's all, nothing more.

    Silva fools the young New Age Ecstasy heads who are high on New Age brainwashing, psychedelics, rave concerts, low I.Qs, and entry-level retail store jobs, as they live in their mothers' garages. He preys on the vulnerable and desperate, looking for the next new shiny toy to save them from their Hell…an "upgrade", always a technobabble upgrade… into an instantly wonderful virtual reality where everything will be fun all the time, and Big Brother will take care of all your needs through The Quantum Cloud-based, Artificially Intelligent Universe to come. Its all nonsense, leading to chaos and slavery, as anybody who can still think, can see.

    This growing A.I. Transhumanistic technology, with its promise of a DIGITAL IMMORTAL SOUL WHERE EVERYONE IS A GOD…yada yada yada, as EVERY TECHNOLOGY throughout all time, will be yet another weapon in the hands of the controlling elite bloodlines, to enslave whoever is still left on the planet in a A.I. virtual, cybernetic reality, where you think you are in control, but the digital interface you are connected to is actually governed by slave masters, and worse, by uncontrollable A.I., itself. The real horror is the fact that people cannot see that Silva's Psychonaut, Transhumanist, A.I. juvenile pep talks for the Occult Elite are just that…nothing but marketing for the elite's agenda to enslave all in a Virtual Reality at their full control, while masking this well planned agenda as "Evolution", or "Transcendence".

    I mean did we not just go through this in the 1960s, for God's sake? Timothy Leary and LSD…all the promises of Transcendental Evolution of consciousness…and every time this happens, nobody evolves, but the controlling elite attains more control of the docile, delusional, New Agers who submit their will to any technology or drug that will keep them high and "Evolving"….evolving nowhere and fast, with the perennial hope of Immortal God Consciousness though some Harmonic Convergence of all time and space in a Final Techno Sapien Spiritual Singularity…The Noosphere…whatever…hahaha Then you talk to one of these ENLIGHTENED PSYCHONAUTS high on Technology, and they cannot even tell time on a traditional analog clock, but rather they must look down at a digital clock on their cellphone. And they can't make food, fix a car, make a cabinet, write literature, play an instrument…nothing! Cannot do anything, but Snapchat and Instagram all day….meet at New Age Deception Occult Tomorrow Land Concerts, and take Molly all weekend until they have destroyed their nervous system if they don't end up in the ER that weekend. I went through the counterculture deep and heavy…all of it…Eastern Occult Mysticism, drugs, tech…all of it. I did it all. It leads to more control in the elite controller's hands, and more of the masses chasing the wind and hoping for Big Brother to catapult them out into Godhood via some magic pharma or techno reality pill. I think we need some charismatic Anti-Silva Orators out there to start saying the things I am saying here to protect the young and ignorant from Silva's empty and dangerous run on sentences of false hope and elite controller deceit.

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