Consciousness Videos

The Frontiers of Subtle Energy & the Power of Unitive Consciousness

Spiritual Technologies 2.0

John Dupuy and Javi Otero talks to Beverly Rubik, PhD, founder of Institute for Frontier Science and a trailblazer in the subtle energy movement. She will give a PowerPoint presentation on the history of subtle energy research and what she’s working on now – one of the earliest subtle energy / alternative healing researchers in the US.

In 1996, Dr. Rubik founded the Institute for Frontier Science (IFS), a nonprofit corporation for research and education, and is on the Scientific Advisory Panel for the Consciousness & Healing Initiative and the Board of Directors of ISSSEEM.

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Exploring the art and science of transformational technologies. Mindful video gaming, biofeedback, brainwave entrainment, flotation tanks, audiovisual entrainment, subtle energy devices, and apps designed to hack our biology for awakening to transcendent and transformative states of consciousness.

Includes interviews with pioneers and innovators like Ken Wilber, Bill Harris, Dr. Julia Mossbridge, Mikey Siegel, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, and many more.

Intro & Outro: Source Aligned –

Music: Javi Otero

Made by Spiritual Technologies 2.0 Team:

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7 thoughts on “The Frontiers of Subtle Energy & the Power of Unitive Consciousness
  1. One has to be careful saying that the Chakras emit Biophotons esp if you are going by the work of Motoyama, who measured Biophotons with Photomultipliers but he used subjects who meditated on the Chakras so artifacts could be produced, also multipotent fibroblastic cells emit more Biophotons & I believe that the smooth muscles around organs contain these. Also one should make sure that one isn't detecting the Biophotons from the myofascial Bands which are located at similar places on the front & back of the body, but of course not in the spinal column as the chakras traditionaly should be.

  2. The same process occurs with Nordenstrom's "Biologically Closed Electric Circuits" when the capillary blood vessels dilate during a parasympathetic phase.

  3. The laying on of hands like Spiritulist cirles where they touch hands or fingers & likewise Wicca's Circle Dance, changes one's Capacitive Resonance, allowing them to phase lock with frequencies of the Schumann Resonance such as Theta.

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