
The Hidden Story Behind A.I. – Artificial Intelligence


The Hidden Message Behind A.I. Artificial Intelligence


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31 thoughts on “The Hidden Story Behind A.I. – Artificial Intelligence
  1. Vengo de la recomendacion echa en el video de faceboock desactiva inteligencia artificial, mmm o creo que ese era el titulo, saludos desde puebla HipnosMorfeo

  2. When your voice sounds, you can hear a weird sound too… is it your microphone? It is a little annoying after a while.

    Regardless, I like your channel -Spanish one too.

  3. Animals also experience emotions, especially love. The only thing that makes humans "special" is our propensity to destroy ourselves.

  4. You're wrong on a couple of points tho. Those other beings that "came" to the planet were actually just future mecha. It isn't directly said anywhere but is heavily implied. They're a silicon based mecha.

  5. OK,, david is the firts one ! also jesus is the primogenito od death(biblia , but the primogenito son of god is is jesus a borg,,?, in the movieshows how humanity hate robots! and they try like the worst thing in theworld,, so human always be evil in the point is something or someone is diferent to you , we can destroy! that is why we destroy animals! for eating! an much more,, is that why IA hate us? we give to them concience for they love us and we only try them like exclaves? so now again the histroty is repeting himself, ? we will hate again IA and she is going to destroy us! is IA the problem or is US?

  6. What distinguishes machines? Collective consciousness. Their struggle? Individual identity. Humanity's struggle is the antitheeis to that…

  7. Congratulation on your ability to discern the deeper meaning of the movie. I believe that the belief in deities comes from our ancestors recorded history of being visited by ETs who came to our planet looking for gold and diamonds. They needed a workforce to work in the mines, so they created humans by genetic manipulation.

    Some ETs interbred with the primitive humans and created an elite race who became the administrators of a government, set up by the ETs. The ancestors of this elite still govern us to this day. I believe that the creation of humans was an experiment which no longer serves their purpose so the next stage will be Cyborgs and A.I. robots. Best wishes!

  8. They will try to destroy Christianity. If aliens come, they will be demons. God is real, and he loves every single human.

  9. What we see at the end are very highly self evolved robots who already developed consciousness, consciousness is always real, it means they are human, this is a very interesting idea, in the future, human mind instead of an organic body, will have associated to synthetic a body, with all the implication that could bring.

  10. "for fear that it could hurt her real son" Where did you get that from? what makes you think it? I'm curious. I gathered it more as david shows monica that she in loving him is more base than she cares to admit. or it could be that she actually loves him more than her real son which itself would mean that if her love for him is real then he IS real and that scares her. with the overarching theme about them replacing humanity i think that is more likely.

  11. Film ends with the narration that when David's system finally shuts down that 'He went to that place where dreams are born'. At it's core A.I. explores humanity being empty and trying to fulfill that need with technology such as David or Joe rather than God. The end of humanity is suggested at the Flesh Fair where not unlike the biblical destruction of ancient wicked cities even the children were corrupted in 22nd century New Jersey. The divinely created world also revolts seeking to get humanity off it's back in violation of everything of Eden. In the end David not unlike Pinnochio gets his reward not from a Blue Fairy but from God himself who gives him a soul at a time when humanity has lost it's own.

  12. What this analysis missed was that the Blue Fairy granted his wish. Just not in the way he hoped she would. But for one day, he felt what it was like to be a real boy. If he said it was relating a unique or less fundamentalist point of view toward religion he might have something.

  13. Great movie to say the least, what makes us different from all other living things is the power of reasoning and the expression of our own feeling depending on the situations we face, I look forward to seen this movie for the 6ht time, love it!, very close to what reality is, according to the belief of some, not all.

  14. Its because we were given a SOUL and FREE WILL are gifts from GOD we have this as humans the other life forms on earth do not have this but they do have the gift of spirit so

  15. Yet in the END David's prayer was answered…..though I don't believe it was the blue fairy or ETs my belief…my prayer like David to be loved….I know can be answered only by God. I know prayers can be answered.

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