Art Theory

The Minimalist Art Journal 2

Caylee Grey

I started art journaling in a minimalist way because I was in South Africa and didn’t have access to supplies. I had a single box of creating things, including my ephemera, Pritt, scissors, and literally one colour of paint (gold). I then moved to Germany where I could get new tools and supplies shipped to my door overnight (bless you, St. Amazon). I was like Jasmine on a freakin’ flying carpet. It was a whole new world.
But after a while, I actually sat back and took stock. I evaluated what I wanted in my space, and in my art, and realised I didn’t want a room of supplies that sat collecting dust. I wanted to use everything. I wanted to love everything I kept.

I did a mssive purge, with the aim of ensuring that the only things that stayed were things that I loved dearly. That’s when I made the first Minimalist Art Journal class.

Fast forward three(!) years and minimalist art journaling is something that has once again evolved and taken on a new meaning for me. It’s no longer just an aesthetic choice, but a creative necessity. Last year, I brought a new human onto the planet, and I’m not as free to create as I used to be. I have less time, less room, and less brain-space to devote to my art journal. But my need to create has remained as burning as ever.

If you’ve ever had a drastic change in your life, you’ll know what I mean. Having a son not only took away my sleep, my time, and my boobs (HA). It also took all my thoughts away from me because damn does that cutie pie occupy my entire brain.

So I had a problem: how could I have my creativity fulfilled while working within these new limitations_

The answer was to go back to my roots, and return to minimalism.

MAJ2 is not about “making itime for art”, but about fitting art into the life you already have. The real one, with commitments and responsibilities. The one where you don’t get to take a day off to commune with your muse, or follow a magical unicorn into the forest of mystical inspiration. MAJ is about creating where you are, with what you have.

Less supplies. Simpler process. Calmer art.

I’d love to have you along for the second leg of this adventure.


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