
The Misrepresentation of Steven Pinker

Independent Man

Another case of the left eating itself?



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33 thoughts on “The Misrepresentation of Steven Pinker
  1. lmfao "historically more enlightened by Christianity"
    >doesn't know that Islam was essentially taking Mongolian-esque imperialism and making it into a religion
    >that kind of ideology being enlightened
    As soon as he mentioned that, not knowing history, and commenting about that shit, I've discredited him of any sort of credibility in regards to historical matters and morality.

  2. This video, like Pinker himself, was a hopeless waste of time. He goes from making sense to off the rails in a heartbeat.

    The religious errors he listed are well-covered by others. Irish eventually stopped committing crimes at higher than the average, but blacks and Hispanics simply haven't because of their refusal to integrate into the larger society.

  3. "Islam had no wars of religion." You ever heard of Jihad? That's actually how Islam took the middle east and north Africa though, killing or converting the Christians, Jews, and pagans who inhabited those areas. I mean hell Spain was invaded in religious grounds shortly after the fall f Rome and stayed under majority Muslim rule until the Reconqesta.

  4. These moronic comments to Pinkers spech from people – americans I suspect – are grounded in lack of education. Do you have any idea how dumb the average american is? Then think about it – half the population is dumber than that.
    Bombarded with corporate nonsense and indoctrination 24/7. News channels that are corporate stooges and nothing but entertainment channel – everything to dumb t´down the american population – and boy have they succeeded.
    Pinker has in no way supported the alt right or the ordinary right for that matter.
    He is criticizing lack of critical thinking among people and how PC have done its harm as well. There are facts about how different ethnicities live – commit crime differently and difference between men and woman. To mention these facts are deemed not PC. Well screw that then. People need to be able to see these facts in context – as Pinker so eloquently puts it. But this is what people are missing. Especially the exceptionally dumb average american – and the ones dumber than him – swallowing the bs from the right – because he has no f… idea about how the world is.

  5. Man, Pinker really drank the kool-aid on the Islam statements. Islam more enlightened? Hahahahaha fuck no it was not. Baghdad was perhaps the only area remotely representing Islamic intellectualism, and instead of doing anything with it they kept using it in effort to affirm their faith in God or to better calculate where Mecca was to pray properly. Gods damn university indoctrination is a helluva drug.

  6. "There is no equivalent of the wars of religion in the history of Islam." — Steven Pinker

    lol… Sure sure Steven, sure…

    Steven also subscribes to the notion that we live in capitalist countries in the west, and that all of them have regulations and social safety nets and that's fine. How can you call the west capitalist if the money supply is centrally controlled? Shouldn't the money supply be outside of any single or group of humans if you want true capitalism? If those with access to central bank money printing get to privatize their gains and socialize their losses, it can't be called capitalism, it's oligarchic cronyism that attempts to maintain avenues of existence where there is some social mobility, it's not capitalism.

  7. The alt right is an unstoppable machine. We grow from strength to strength. Now that Stephen "Drive a truck into a crowd of cucks" Pinker has finally come out as alt right hopefully a flood of alt right academia will come out of the shadows.

  8. No religious wars in Classical Islam? Oh no. They conquered the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe and Southern Spain by handing out candy and puppy dogs! WTF? People forget the Ottoman Empire only collapsed in the 1920's because it joined in WWI with the side of the aggressors and lost.

  9. GIven Stephen Pinker's own documented tendency to misreprsent history and science, it's hard to feel much sympathy for him now. (Search for our Borden Painter interview on Red Pill Religion for more.)

  10. Guess he doesnt check enough boxes off to be considered part of the left anymore. OOPS dont believe in identity politics? Youre and ALT RIGHT NAZI. Even though the Alt right are loving this game of Identity politics.

  11. Your video would have the opposite of it's desired effect on a thinking person. On some things he is just completely wrong and on others he is creating straw men arguments.

  12. Talk about cognitive dissonance. I love this channel, but my brain fucks with me because you sound like Ray Comfort. It's like Ray is saying rational things. It literally makes my head tickle.

  13. He lost me with the usual Trump denigration at the start of his speech. Unoriginal leftist clap trap. What followed may have been acceptable but I couldn't take him seriously after his sheeplike opening waffle.

  14. Data: In the 2016 elections, Democrats won 2 US Senate seats from the Republicans; Democrats won 6 US House seats from the Republicans; candidate Clinton received 2.85 million more votes than candidate Trump. The reason Donald Trump is President is because the USA is not a democracy.

  15. This comment thread is mostly obnoxious. While most of you argue whether "Islam is more enlightened" or "the alt right are tech Davy" you completely miss the point of this video. So I'll try and simplify it for the intellectually retarded among you.

    People misuse facts to support their own narrative while completely ignoring the context.

  16. Dishonest edits are the other side of the coin for what Pinker was talking about. The edited clip shows Pinker's own words, but without the context people invariably come to the wrong conclusion. More and more I think these people actually want an idiocracy.

    Pinker's disparagement of Trump seemed more like it was virtue signaling rather than his actual belief, which is mildly annoying.

  17. He is so wrong about the week being more enlightened… And, what right wing domestic terrorism is higher ? bullcrap. Far left terrorism is much higher…

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