Consciousness Videos

The Mystery of Consciousness! #consciousness #quantumconsciousness #quantummechanics #quantum #mind


Introducing a thought-provoking exploration into the essence of consciousness: “If atoms & particles make up everything in the world, where does consciousness come from?” This meticulously crafted analysis delves into the enigmatic realm of human consciousness, questioning its origin amidst a backdrop of scientific principles. Prepare to be intellectually stimulated and engage with this intriguing philosophical query that has captivated scholars for centuries. Unlock the mysteries of consciousness and expand your understanding of existence with this compelling video.

To know about Insurance:
self consciousness,
collective consciousness,
consciousness meaning,
altered states of consciousness,
states of consciousness,
altered consciousness,
altered state of mind,
conscience mind,
consciousness mind,
quantum consciousness,
stuart hameroff,
bicameral mind,
pre consciousness,
artificial intelligence consciousness,
sub conscience mind in hindi,
consciousness psychology,
ecological consciousness,
human consciousness
body consciousness
consciousness and quantum physics
consciousness quantum physics
consciousness and quantum mechanics
fred kofman
christof koch
universal consciousness
consciousness explained
animal consciousness
time consciousness
julian jaynes the origin of consciousness
consciousness meaning in psychology
the origin of consciousness
julian jaynes
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global consciousness project
quantum mind
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global consciousness
evolution of consciousness
evolved consciousness
my conscience
anil seth ted talk
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consciousness philosophy
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clouded consciousness
regaining consciousness
my consciousness
examples of consciousness
types of consciousness
connecting consciousness
artificial consciousness
spiritual consciousness
autonoetic consciousness
subconscious and unconscious
transferring consciousness
unconscious subconscious
status consciousness
dream consciousness
pure consciousness
quantum brain
the user illusion
consciousness and the brain
consciousness is an illusion
brain consciousness
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museum of consciousness
being you a new science of consciousness
phenomenal consciousness
the origins and history of consciousness
super consciousness
plant consciousness
uploading consciousness
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origins and history of consciousness
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time is consciousness
donald hoffman consciousness
being you anil seth
dual consciousness
consciousness and cognition
neural correlates of consciousness
origin of consciousness
non local consciousness
consciousness awareness
physics of consciousness
decreased consciousness
i am consciousness


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12 thoughts on “The Mystery of Consciousness! #consciousness #quantumconsciousness #quantummechanics #quantum #mind
  1. Consciousness is the feeling of human mind. No one knows Consciousness comes from where but every one have it. Its integral part of our body. Body + Consciousness = Human.

  2. a. Existence: For without existence there is only non-existence. So existence is necessary.

    b. Consciousness: Without consciousness to experience existence, what good is existence?

    (And also memories and thoughts so that an entity can remember what they experienced and have thoughts).

    So, Consciousness, memories and thoughts are necessary.

    c. Eternality: If a conscious existence was not truly eternal, it would cease to exist one day.

    (And forget everything it ever knew and experienced, and would be forgotten one day in future eternity if there weren't another conscious entity with memories and thoughts to remember the previous entity literally throughout the second entities literal eternal existence throughout all the rest of future eternity).

    So, eternality is necessary.

    d. Choices: What good even is eternal conscious existence throughout all of future eternity without choices? Not even a choice in what to think about? So, choices are necessary.

    So, existence, consciousness (with memories and thoughts), eternality, and choices.

    These items it would seem be necessary for anything at all to matter throughout literally all of future eternity.

    (Subject to revision as new information might dictate).

    Otherwise, it would seem nothing at all ultimately matters throughout all of future eternity, of which then, did anything at all ultimately matter in the first place?

  3. Consider the following:

    a. Put a simple small magnet on a table. It of course would have it's associated magnetic field around it.

    b. Now bring a second magnet with it's associated magnetic field closer and closer to the first magnet on the table.

    c. The magnetic energy fields interact, even though the physical magnets don't physically touch. Depending upon the interaction, the second magnet could even get the first magnet to physically move, without actually physically touching the first magnet.

    d. Now consider that modern science claims that all matter is made up of quarks, electrons and interacting energy. Quarks and electrons of course being considered charged particles, each having their associated magnetic fields with them.

    e. So, as far as how the brain actually works and to have memories and thoughts, don't forget the interacting magnetic fields associated with quarks and electrons, especially in a tightly spaced physical brain. (And then possibly any electromagnetic energy frequency interactions as well).

    Is even our 'consciousness' some sort of state of existence of an inherent magnetic energy field within our physical brain?

  4. And yet another thought:

    "IF" a conscious being ('us') joined together with an AI, wouldn't that then also make the AI conscious? (Which would still all just be energy interacting with itself).

  5. Here is another thought: Consider the following:

    Most neutrinos go right through us, but not all of them do all of the time. When a neutrino impacts matter in our brain, (F=ma; Force equals mass times acceleration, and while a neutrino is very small and does not interact with anything else unless it hits it, the neutrino is moving very fast), can pack quite a hit at the quantum scale.

    Is the origination of at least some thoughts a single neutrino that impacts matter in our brain triggering a cascade of energy interactions? Also though, a single neutrino could also impact matter in our brain triggering a brain mis-fire.

    Our brain, mind and thoughts are affected by universal existence itself (for better or worse).

  6. Consciousnesses is holding the same place in the universe what it holds in a dream.
    Consciousness in a dream is individual and Consciousness in the universe is universal.
    Individual Consciousness is not different from the universal Consciousness, just as a drop of water is not different from the Occean.

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