Consciousness Videos

The Participating Observer 2

Ubiquitous Physics

Physics has a long-standing many-centuries-old history of developments. In the ancient era, it used to be called the “Natural Philosophy”. Today, it can be said that Physics is the body of an all-inclusive, fundamental, philosophical, and scientific knowledge of nature, of the workings of the universe.
During this whole period of developments — one of the most prominent tenets — to which physicists have fairly maintained their commitment — is the principle of causality: the belief in the causal connectedness of things happening in the universe, the belief that every effect has a cause. So, understanding the Physics of a given natural process — e.g. how water boils, why the sky appears blue, how does the propagation of light take place in different media, how do the black holes form, and so on… — requires analyzing the chain of the causally connected sub-phenomena leading to its occurrence.


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