Consciousness Videos

The Secret Of Mind Power – Quantum Physics – Sacred Science

BIG FACTS ENTERTAINMENT The Hollow earth and it’s inhabitants

US will fake alien invasion!

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39 thoughts on “The Secret Of Mind Power – Quantum Physics – Sacred Science
  1. Knowledge will not save you in the sense of eternal life. The practice of the heart, the unconditional love can bring teachings to you . The practice of stilling the mind in meditation can lead you to peace. There are other practices that are not taught until you are willing to surrender. But seeking of knowledge for how to use it yourself will likely lead you astray. Not seeking dooms you to ignorance. You are apart of western culture, start with the four books of the apostles. Then focus on primarily Jesus words, over and over until you think you understand them. Then open your heart and mind. Then go East, see how they meet, East and West. Then read Book of Thomas. Then learn meditation, I suggest Kriya Yoga, it’s slow and gradual but purposeful. Seeking The paranormal is mostly wasting you search for God seeking The paranormal makes for interesting YouTube , but has no salvation. Learning what Jesus really meant is different then what is understood by modern churches, yet to some, they too have a purpose and place. Getting caught up in the Indiana Jones route will lead you to vanity. Respect all men, all races, but the your search for God is at hand within you. Seek ye the kingdom of heaven and a will be given unto you. Don’t pass up the opportunity to know the Christ.

  2. Your completely correct by stating 'the ruler of this earth' unseen. I'd call him satan and he's messing around with his angels which you rever to as devil's. Maybe we're not that far apart of believing in the spirit realm. It's just about which side you choose. Darkness or Light. There's no grey area. The prince of darkness appears like an 'angel of light'. Project Blue Beam will bring in the alien Messiah. They're messing with other dimensions. At cern in Geneva (formerly known as Appolyon) the LHC, with Sheva(the destroyer) in front is bringing in dark matter. Even Stephen Hawkings isn't so sure about the positive outcome… And Nephilym are among is, and supposedly reptilians. So there's a lot going on, and most people are still unaware.

  3. Did you ever thought about the question is there good in evil? Occultism never works out for the good. It welcomes you in the world of demons. Aliens are just fallen angels in disguise. Darkness all around supposed to be 'enlightment'…

  4. I know about the power bc I've used it and the more I use it the more it becomes habitual like 2nd nature. I don't even realise I do it alot of the time now. it's basically thinking positive bc what ever u think and say come to existance just by u thinking it.

  5. Hey give me a message man? I never knew what this knowledge or power was, this mind power and spirituality stuff..Never know what quantum physics is till I watched this video rightnow but I always knew about it and figured it out on my own,well I have a lot to earn aswell. I'll be waiting on a message or something.

  6. Through my use of power plants, months of meditation in the desert and study of the Bob tradition of budism I think I've come to understand things you can't learn on YouTube,. Nxdrendel@yahoo

  7. I'm out here bro, I believe there are lots more of us out there searching for what you speak of and I believe the answers are in us. Peace out Star

  8. Funny thing, I have been working on a study for my classes of how old relgion and how quantum physics are starting to sync up. More so how so many religons of the world have the basic same template. Your on to something.

  9. Racism should be called skinism. People hating people for color. My comments are for the posters, not the video's creator. For the creator. Good on you. I too am on an adventure I hope to meet you along the way, perhaps during a DMT trip 😉 I never tried it myself but it looks promising.

  10. 2 points. 1. The Bible is great, read it and everything else. The Bible is not the be all and end all. 2. Race is absolutely not real. Your skin color denotes your ancestral geographic origin, nothing more.

  11. Sumerians weren't black just as egyptians weren't black and neither were greeks or any other aryan indo-european civilization.

  12. i believe in mind power and law of attraction and all but i would love to know more can you recommend me a article or book or documentary about this???

  13. Blacks use their powers for good? I don't know about that one. I'm not an expert on Karma yet, but it is said that you reap what you sow, and what even your parents sow. It is said that if you don't pay for your wickedness in this life you will pay for it in another life.

  14. Interesting video!
    This is an invitation to see an artist theory on the physics of light and time!
    This theory is based on two postulates
    1. Is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ represents the forward passage of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π itself
    2. Is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the w- function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!

  15. I've always thought that 'Vanilla Sky' was the most underrated movie of all-time, and it's pretty deep. Have you ever heard of David Lynch? His movies are total mind-fuckers.

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