
Too Many Cooks vs. Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared: Decoding the Disturbing – Wisecrack Edition

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Written by: Leo Cookman
Directed by: Robert Tiemstra
Narrated by: Jared Bauer
Edited by: Ryan Hailey (
Motion Graphics by: Drew Levin
Produced by: Emily Dunbar

© 2018 Wisecrack, Inc.



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38 thoughts on “Too Many Cooks vs. Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared: Decoding the Disturbing – Wisecrack Edition
  1. It's nice to be able to feel how you're right, I don't feel scared or even anxious watching too many cooks, I focused more on the comedy, because I don't watch sitcoms really, never have. But, don't hug me I'm scared disturbs the shit outta me

  2. ok how can these two things be scaryier than SALAD FINGERS!?!??! too any people how to dont know what salad fingers is i recommend it its a scary thing about a dude who likes rusty spoons but in 5 or 7 minnutes it scares you with jumpscares out of no where , where you least saw them happing its ol so a little brutal and has alot of gross imedry so people who see tish comments would you rather be in a song that never ends , be in a scary muppet choas or be in the middle of no where with a tall man? comment down below

  3. Lmao when I saw too many cooks I thought it was a commercial for an upcoming show, and I'm like why doesn't it end? Or is this a real show? But then why is it not starting? Very entertaining.

  4. I think an important thing that isn’t mentioned here about Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared is that the creators refuse to explain anything about the series. Every question asked or theory suggested is answered with a simple, chilling answer: “yes”. Which means that all of this disturbing stuff is either meaningless or the meaning is so deeply hidden beneath references and Easter eggs and winks and nods that any effort to find the true meaning of DHIS will be far too much for any answer to be satisfying for the seeker.

    Maybe it’s a rebuke against Quaker ideology? Maybe it’s a portrayal of the Absurd as Camus explained it? Maybe it’s a portrayal in the futility of trying to define a complex world through terms a child could explain and how that ultimately is harming us than helping us. All of these theories are correct according to the creators, and that is so much more terrifying than any answer they could ever give.

  5. I felt that Too Many Cooks was too funny and cheesy to be scary or unsettling. DHMIS legitimately plays on contrast to invoke a sense of unease, but Too Many Cooks has such good comedic timing that it's hard to take seriously or seem disturbing.

  6. I want everybody to know that Bertolt Brecht was a massive fraud. Most of his work was stolen from his Collective.
    Also the "Alienation effect" is more properly known as the Verfremdungseffekt

  7. youre just like nostalgia chick. Autistic analysis. ITs about a dude stuck in a endless loop of sitcoms and wants end the cycle by killing everyone only to become part of those sitcoms for all eternity. Fuck all that other shit you fucking nerd…..NEEEEEERRRRD

  8. So based on what you're saying here (that the source of horror for TMC and DHMIS is nostalgia), how would these videos affect someone who didn't have the experiences necessary to be nostalgic about? (E.g., a Gen Z kid who didn't grow up with 80s sitcoms)

    To me it's not the removal of terror mangement via nostalgia that makes these videos creepy, it's just the eeriness of inverting something we associate as being happy and harmless with vaguely threatening and/or disturbing imagery… It's unsettling. It's like a video version of the game Eversion.

    Appreciate the knowledge you dropped in this one anyway, even if I disagree.

  9. Ok but I find Don't Hug Me I'm Scared super uneasy and horrifying and I never watched any kids shows with felt or otherwise live-action puppets. I also never watched old sitcoms. So I don't think we can say nostalgia is the main ingredient. I think contrast is the key – contrast between something innocuous, like cute puppets or a family comedy, and incredibly creepy dialogue and graphic imagery.

  10. The irony of how the philosophy of 'dont touch me I'm scared' is followed by a lesson, then an ad that paid for the whole thing is probably the best part of this whole thing.

  11. Anyone seen Look Around You? It did a similar thing, where familiar things from one's childhood were made strange and uncanny. Series 1 is a frighteningly accurate pastiche of British education for schools videos of the '80s, and series 2 is a looser parody of the programme Tomorrow's World which ran from the '60s to the '90s.

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