Consciousness Videos

UFO's, Consciousness, and Meditation

Dr. Steven Greer

Dr. Greer illustrates why CE-5 techniques are more effective in a group setting.

#DrStevenGreer #CE5 #Meditation

Presented by Dr. Steven Greer. Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun (narrated by Jeremy Piven) features groundbreaking video and photographic evidence and supporting interviews from prominent figures such as Adam Curry of Princeton’s PEAR Lab; legendary civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan, and Dr. Russell Targ, who headed the CIA’s top-secret remote viewing program. Their message: For thousands of people, contact has begun. This is their story.

Dr. Greer’s previous works, Sirius and Unacknowledged, broke crowdfunding records and ignited a grassroots movement. In this film, Dr. Greer presents the most dangerous information that the architects of secrecy don’t want you to know: how forgotten spiritual knowledge holds the key to humans initiating contact with advanced ET civilizations.

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39 thoughts on “UFO's, Consciousness, and Meditation
  1. If you can make consciousness connect with ETs why not try to make consciousness contact with other human beings on this planet to spread the peace, love and compassion? Humans as a species are facing chaotic and difficult situations now. We can't as ETs to solve human problems of inequality and self destructions.

  2. Dr. Greer. I am confused when I see a program such as , "Unsealed – Alien Files", on tv. It tells of violent abductions, interbreeding, experiments and many other happenings by witnesses that tell a much different story than your peaceful one.

  3. @Dr Steven Greer just watching a bit of mainstream media. Ancient Aliens and its season 12, disclosure, episode 2, please tell me at some stage you will be invited to speak about these intergalactic beings are peaceful….because the gentle push is leaning towards “what if” with subtle scare tactics. I may have interpreted this episode the wrong way, but I am hoping that you get invited to speak on behalf of those of us who believe that “if they were coming here to start a war…they could of blown us out of the water a long long time ago” so obviously they are peaceful beings.

  4. Even if all humanity knows the "truth", what is it going to do for us? Is it smart to intermingle with them? Are we not separated for a reason?

  5. Your documentary was very interesting, there was something you said about everything being connected and it brought back to memory, a dream that I had, whereby I was take out of the earth, I could see the moon off to my right and I am looking back at the earth and a telepathic voice told me that everything I see is all connected…..

  6. 111 I pay attention to numbers ,anyway I’m reaching cause I’m not sure what to do when I really awoke 3 years ago and began meditating on just this subject….one morning I awoke with a very strange tiny cluster pattern of circles under my left arm they were bruises and dissapeared a few days later it was not ringworm or a rash ,it was 1st circle about quarter inch in size followed by 2smaller circles and then another quarter inch circle , that’s my contact ,I need to find out what this pattern means ? Desperate and confused ,I know your a busy man , but contact begins with us one person at a time ,remember you said that once TY Mr Greer

  7. When are you doing this CE 5 and how can I join. I believe in Islam (its written that alien exists) but as time went we forgot or you could say ignored and forgot. I want to see or atleast witness some ufo before I die. Can I initiate a ce5 alone in my house? And when is the perfect time to do this. And what's the necessary things I need to initiate the conscious call. I'm sorry i put a religion in it but my religion helped me believe In Dr greer and Bob Lazars story. I may be dumb and stubborn, I have no hesitation in believing in Dr greers words. He has proper knowledge of what he speaks on. It's not unnecessary or forceful inputs of weird conspiracy theories. It's science.

  8. I want some tips on meditating effectively/effeciently. I always try to make time every day to meditate at least 15 minutes morning and night while in bed, but maybe im doing it wrong and practicing or becoming an expert at poor excecution/technique.

  9. What if the fake alien invasion is not alien but human, and they do drop bombs to lower the population and blame it on aliens when its us all along

  10. In case anyone wants to know what those groups of orbs are, in my CE-5 communications with my "brother on another planet," he explains that these are highly advanced drones that are controlled by one space craft, and all they do is to take thousands and millions of readings every day, as part of the "Earth Experiment." You can read much more in my book, "First Contact: Conversations with an ET." Tom T. Moore.

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