
Unlearning Violence: Daniel Dennett & Steven Pinker Full Panel

World Peace Foundation at The Fletcher School

As part of the February 2014 conference, “Unlearning Violence: Evidence and Policies for Early Childhood Development and Peace,” Daniel Dennett and Steven Pinker addressed the question, “can we become a more peaceful species?” Discussion moderated by Alex de Waal.


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36 thoughts on “Unlearning Violence: Daniel Dennett & Steven Pinker Full Panel
  1. It's all nice and cleaver, but as long as the barbaric ideology of Islam is raising it's kids with a death wish in mind, and a mission to "destroy and conquer the west"  … this nice talks are simply a way of suicide for the west.

    So keep dreaming … and keep putting flowers on the graves of Islam-terror victims instead of giving them to our fellow human brothers ….

  2. I really enjoyed the interview. The dig at the NRA actually seemed a little vacuous but maybe he was just trying to be topical and funny. 

  3. Pinker and Dennet are perfectly articulate and focused here… much to the contrast of the speaker who fumbled over his every word.  His attempt to compare the NRA to a religious cult came off as particularly transparent.  He might as well compared the NRA to Hitler… so ad-hominem.

  4. i'm puzzled that dennett thinks kid hackers are such a threat. like the-powers-that-be can't or don't manipulate, stunt or shut down such activities OR do same for 'national security' or covert agendas. 

  5. I always find introductions to be redundant and semantically null. After the absolutely unnecessary DOUBLE introduction and 11 minutes wasted, the actual video starts at 11:18.

  6. Fletcher grad student proclaims that masculinity was a "social construction." 1:10:08 Apparently they would let anybody into Fletcher, no matter how ignorant she is about the science of human nature.

  7. I am glad to hear that Dennett is personally not afraid of violent religious extremists. If we consider what has already been happening in Europe this statement sound a bit naive.

  8. Members of this audience seem astoundingly ill-informed, isnt' it?: religiosity is on the rise one says – er actually no its the opposite says Dennett, video games causes increase in violence, actually no its the opposite says Pinker… these audience members identify themselves as teachers or working in high profile organisations.. how the heck did they manage to win those posts at interview with such faulty grasp of the quantitives of the world? Is it some kind of nepotism?  Suspicious!

  9. I have been making Dennett's point at 50:50 for the past forty years. Of course Eisenhower spoke about the institutional motivations of the military industrial complex on the basis of the financial gains, but career militarists will need serious aversion training to look to peaceful solutions to strategic threats.

  10. Dear Dennett, I would love to hear your thoughts on how @31:48 the internet could go down? I have always understood the internet to be created by many single antennas that are built based on the memetic knowledge about the internet. It's the same for electricity. Neither electricity nor the internet can collapse as long as the memes about them are still evolved throughout nations. 
    One guess is, that if it is based not on antennas but solely on all the satellites flying around, then a movie like Gravity could demonstrate a collapse like the one you are referring to.
    Many thanks! Love your work!

  11. Everybody was quite irritating — especially with the pointlessly long introduction and self-congratulations — save for the guests themselves, mercifully.

  12. Was Dennets response to the black girl (I beg you to correct me if I'm wrong):

    "get your own government, order, and power.. then the current established order will trust and respect you, despite our history.."

  13. It annoys me that for these philosophical talks it is always completely ignored that there is evidence that 9/11 was a false flag attack and that civil wars all over the world for more than 50 years now have been caused by the CIA etc in order to establish military bases. I really enjoy Pinker's and Dennett's work, but talking about violence they sound like apologetics for the US-spreading-democracy-(and-free-markets) narrative.
    Oh and "religion making the world dangerous" , what about corporate imperialsm? And I dislike organized religion as much as the next atheist.

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