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  1. in weekly world press confernces this was delineated in some detail by the host superstrin gtheorist J hagelin president of and quantum physicist Brahmachari maharishi mahesh Yogi said RIK VEDA is constitution of universe nitya apaurusheya eternal not made by anyone that means rik veda is vibrations in the unmanifest at PLANCK scale level called PARA in sanskrit [ the language of veda that w eknow] analogous to zero poin tmotion of superstring fiedl okay thats a joke about fiddle E8XE8 heterotic fieeld i'm an amature J hagelin said that zero point motion stable reverberent frequencies of the unified field are the vedic vibrations
    " VEDA is PRAKRITI of ATMA " maharishi says ATMA Maharishi calls consciousness that is pure unbounded C pure abstraction nothing material is there it is beyond time and space allways self existent
    in rik veda we have anexplanationn for the notion that universe is a hologram Rik Veda is a non physical DVD which guru reads like a laser light and this DVD self materializes as the physical galactic universe and exists at every minutest point in the universe so maharishi simply says " total natural law " is omnipresent

    so relevent to this yotube our brain is an instrument that conveys as much a spossible of this primordial consciousness to our mind as awareness

  2. Interesting and inspiring video. But watching this video I felt I was run over. Too much information in a short time, some terms are confused, but you can't think about that because there is new information every second. The speaker speaks quick, but never stops, so there is no time to really understand something deeply. This way you may miss what consciousness is all about. Let me share some ideas with you, these ideas you can take or leave, there is no claim that I'm right and I tell the one and only truth.

    First, in this video, especially in the beginning, there seems to be no difference between consciousness and what is in consciousness. It is said that consciousness is the subjective experience to be something (or someone) and therefor it is always different for everyone. This is only true regarding the objects in consciousness. You can experience to be a human, for example John Doe. But there are other experiences possible. In deep meditation someone can remove all objects from consciousness. This may not work absolutely flawless and there may some objects left, which come and go. But with training it can be quite flawless. In this deep meditation there is no experience of being something or someone left. All what's left is endless silence in awareness. It is not your silence, neither it is you who experiences this. It is nothing left as the awareness of silence. This experience is not subjective and individual, but can be shared between persons who made exactly the same experience.

    Secondly the idea of a definition of consciousness is also confusing. Consciousness can't be something else than consciousness. Furthermore there is no consciousness outside consciousness. Because of this a definition can only be: Trivial (consciousness is consciousness) or wrong (consciousness is [something]/[nothing]). There is an easy experiment to show that consciousness can't be formalized (like some philosophers claim). If consciousness could be formalized it would be possible to formalize YOUR consciousness. Then I would give you a definition or formalization of YOUR consciousness. Because definitions and formalizations can be written down someone could handle a paper to you with the comment: "Hey … this numbers and signs on the paper … that's you! " But obviously the formulas on the paper are not you. That means at the best you hold an analogy in your hands, but not a proper definition.

    Finally, uploading "your" consciousness. In this video a brain has to be cut in slices to create a similar structure in a different medium. Imagine you could simply scan a brain completely without touching it. After creating a virtual (or physical) copy of the scanned brain – assumed it would work the same way your brain works – there would be another "person" existing stating it is you. So, this person would tell the uploader employees "Oki, you can now destroy the original brain, because the upload was successful!", while you would try your best to explain that you are still in your brain and something must have gone wrong. What are the consequences of that Gedankenexperiment? You can't upload or copy a mind, cause there is no mind. A person experiences a mind and therefor thinks she is this mind. But while the experience is real, the idea to exist is an illusion. You can't upload yourself, cause there is no you. Everyone is the same, from consciousness. If you die and your neighbour survives , this should give you the same consolation as if there is a virtual brain existing, which is a copy of your brain. But it is not so, hm?^^ Cause most people are stick to the idea, there must be [something] existing, which is them. That's an illusion. The world happens, the world doesn't exist. Existence is not a physical phenomenon, but it is just the idea of existence. Happy experiences ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I think consciousness is a basic property of the universe. The other side of the coin. The yin to the yang. In other words if there is a universe with nothing to interact with it or โ€œobserveโ€ it the universe cannot exist for there is nothing to measure its existence. IMO I believe that consciousness isnโ€™t emergent but the reason the universe exists in the first place. Even Life itself plays a roll. Cells and dna arrange particles and molecules into something more complex spitting in the eyes of the laws of entropy. Life and the universe have existed since the beginning.

  4. That the universe exists, and that you are conscious at this instant, are two ways of saying exactly the same thing.

    Therein lies the key to understanding consciousness, inasmuch as it can ever really be understood. For, remember, we understand things with our brain, using logic. And logic is a system of deconstructing and perceiving patterns based on the idea that each point follows as a consequence of the ones causally prior to it. In formal analysis, logic requires premises, implications, and conclusions. It can be used to lay out the order of causation of all sorts of things we encounter in the world. But, logic is only a system for linking causes to effects. It can create an incredibly complex cascade of implied results based on a given set of premises, but it cannot generate premises, nor can it tell us anything about them, and without premises to work from it can do nothing. So, observe that we live in a universe which clearly exists, and has apparent premises which our logic can work with. But our logic cannot tell us how or why these premises exist, nor even if we are perceiving them correctly. Logic can never deliver premises. Our universe is thus *pre-logical*, and thus we cannot hope to properly understand it using logic. But if we only know the idea of understanding via logic, how shall we ever truly understand the universe, and the fact that we exist to perceive it?

    Now, consider this: consciousness seems to be that which is the recipient of experience. It is not thought, it experiences thought. It is not experience, it is the recipient of experience. But, like Searle's Chinese room, our mind is able to assemble thoughts about the world, and somehow we, the conscious experiencer, are able to experience the ideas which these thoughts represent. However, if just experiencing was all we as consciousness were able to do, we would be observing the interactions of the Chinese room, but never having any effect on it. The fact that we have visceral experience would make no impact on the workings of the brain. But we, at least some of us, are able to realize that we are having an experience, that we are the conscious experiencer, not the robotic computer brain, the p-zombie. In order to do that, we must somehow be informing the brain of our experience, so that we can experience it as thought, and in fact, we are capable of doing that constantly, once we realize that this is what must be going on, and turn our attention to it. Somehow, that which experiences has a direct contact with the brain. So, does consciousness affect the world, beyond providing us this knowledge that we are conscious? That is for us to ponder. It is the deepest mystery of how it is that the universe exists at all.

  5. A very good clip… just will say that all humans used to be like cows and sheep… and go with another of the same breed to where they think the best grass is to eat…That's one reason why a farmer has a dog, it will help the farmer by moving a heard of animals to different locations… With the development of new humans, people may think that the new humans are getting lazy (and to somewhat I do agree) but the newer humans are having less work to do. For a previous human had designed something that makes the job more simply handled. (Like the Internet) All humans are trying to find an easy way around things, Amazon has introduced robots that sort out the products to be delivered and they even made a drone take the goods to the consumer. So to me consciousness is something that breaths… it don't have to move, just breath.

  6. Wow. Best treatment Iโ€™ve heard maybe ever. Kudos!
    If the Super General AI fears G-d it might be conscious in a human sense of the word ๐Ÿ˜†

  7. Thinking is a state of consciousness (Universe)

    No law applies to thinking.

    Thinking means, experiencing,work of consciousness.

    We are being experienced from the prespective of consciousness.

    Death is no such thing, meaningless event.

    After death ? We will find overselves in the whole universe as consciousness.

    Because, thinking is a state of consciousness.
    At the moment we are experiencing through this body.

    Creation has no meaning without experience.

    Prespective of consciousness whatever is happening is happening in nothingnes.

    Past present future running in nothingness.

    Because, no law applies to consciousness.

    The Universe (form of creation) is Experiencing itself.

    Prespective of quantum particle, we are a Quantum Universe which exists everywhere to which no law applies.

    Whatever happens in the world is at the will of humans.
    Our prayer are fulfilled through God,this too is the thinking of humans.
    Prayer=form of think.

    Which species is not in the stage of thinking.
    Energy comes out from them, due to which their wishes are fulfilled.
    Like a hunger ,sex.

    Thinking Is a state of consciousness.
    Please recognize your thinking ability.

    Religius prespective, when we pray (form of think) our think present entire universe at the present moment.
    Because, God is present everywhere.
    No law applies to God, thinking.

    Please recognize your prayer ability

  8. Consciousness is spirit , living soul the voice of God , where thoughts come from , gives us moral reasoning,, to know how we should act,, to help us live in a way that will help us in the internal life.God is Spirit omni present everywhere and timeless.

  9. We all have one thing in common, and that is having the ability to see and observe, "The Processing System of LIFE" in our Vision superimposed on what we see.
    Human reason is founded on "DOUBLE LOGIC" (Confusion) present within the human Genome.
    On the other hand The Processing System of LIFE is founded and based on "SINGLE LOGIC".
    Consciousness is just another Title for LIFE, nothing to do with the universe/s. LIFE is the Only One, experiencing the human species or any other species. The Species and environment is only a simulation (Experience) produced through "The Processing System of LIFE".

  10. MAN OMG HUMANS ARE SO IGNORANT AND STUPID, CONSCIOUSNESS is high multidimensional infinite eternal creation energy and because is a higher Dimensional level creation energy this means that it can't be transferred or controlled by anybody else but by itself free will, technology can try to make a copy of the memories from this life only, BUT ITS going to be a COPY not the real multidimensional one, and can clone or copy only the memories from this one lifetime but Imposible to clone or copy the all the memories from the thousands and thousands of the past life's, experiences, feelings, and spiritual evolution that the real one has with in itself. THEY CAN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THAT SIMPLE THING!! ๐Ÿ˜’ MAN OMG HUMANS ARE SO IGNORANT AND STUPID, CONSCIOUSNESS is high multidimensional infinite eternal creation energy and because is a higher Dimensional level creation energy this means that it can't be transferred or controlled by anybody else but by itself free will, technology can try to make a copy of the memories from this life only, BUT ITS going to be a COPY not the real multidimensional one, and can clone or copy only the memories from this one lifetime but Imposible to clone or copy the all the memories from the thousands and thousands of the past life's, experiences, feelings, and spiritual evolution that the real one has with in itself. THEY CAN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THAT SIMPLE THING!! ๐Ÿ˜’

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