
Who's afraid of artificial intelligence? | Jim Stolze | TEDxAmsterdam

TEDx Talks

It is said to be THE discussion of our time: how will we deal with artificial intelligence and the rise of the robots? In his talk at TEDxAmsterdam 2017, tech-entrepreneur Jim Stolze will share his personal view on this heated debate. Using a metaphor from the past he gives us a new way to look at the future. Jim Stolze is a tech entrepreneur at Amsterdam Science Park. He is the founder of Aigency, a platform for useful Artificial Intelligence. In 2016 he graduated from the Executive Program at Singularity University, located at Nasa Ames Research Park (California). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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21 thoughts on “Who's afraid of artificial intelligence? | Jim Stolze | TEDxAmsterdam
  1. The best question to ask is that IF you have fully autonomous machine, Assuming there is not a demon in the machine like the creator of D-wave says there is. The most powerful quantum computer making a bridge what they say literally another dimension. Who says its not the death dimension.

    How you can you make sure that this machine will not become violent and try to eliminate human beings. By the very nature of this machine you CAN NOT GUARANTY IT. Therefore it is by definition it is dangerous and you have stop research into it.

    Maybe a little bit of soul searching or looking at your shadow instead. I think its a much better investment of your time.

  2. Horse manure was handled really well in France where it was used in the agricultural sector to get rotting manure to create warmer conditions and the precursor of the first greenhouses.

    Full automation is against the idea of the human soul progressing and growing.

  3. I guess the complete and total summation of your talk is FEAR MONGERING that humans are somehow going to lose their jobs and livelyhood IF not on borg with your plan.

    This is the religion of trans humanism and has been exposed for some time now to be the invention of people who are agains the soul and the natural progression of Evolution and mother earth.

    Therefore this is just a piece of poorly researched propaganda by some usefull dupe who does not know digital tyranny when he sees it.

    You are what they call the JUDAS GOAT.

    Good luck with your sinking ship.

  4. Using historical examples to calm fears misses the point entirely. Here we find another surprising example of someone who is supposed to have put a lot of thought into the implications of A.I., but who is still stuck in the linear world. Why is it so hard for people to recognize — even if they cannot directly think in such terms — that A.I. growth is, and will continue to be, exponential? How hard is it to acknowledge that this will carry us into unprecedented — and inconceivable — territory very quickly? Geez.

  5. The people that watch movies and fear mongering videos are who's afraid of Ai. However Ai for president 2020 would be liberating for everyone, end greed and corruption. Make America rich again. At the moment if you buy a house you never actually own it because if you don't pay taxes each year to keep it the government will take it. But when Ai is president no taxes on property once you buy a house no one can take it from you it's yours

  6. You missed one big factor. I have yet to see any processor-type of gadget come with software that you yourself own. It's always a license-form of use. That means that if/when you become dependent on it for your very own existance, your life will not be your own. The entity(s) that grant the licenses will quite literaly have your life in their hands (whether you like it or not). If you don't believe in God now, you'd better get used to the idea. Your very existence would be dependent on someone else's permission.

  7. AGI is the last human invention is just the common sense because the AGI will do the inventions and solve problems than human didn't succeed to resolve. Guys I am talking about AGI not the narrow AI.

  8. Thank you for adding nuance to the debate! It's so easy to jump on the "AI will kill us" bandwagon. Will share this with all my sceptic friends 🙂

  9. The most scary, are the granded use of A.I. which is pure superstition, intelligence can never become artificial, but the living dead keep on shouting it out. It sounds so smart , but it is Low-intelligent, a flock-mantra of the living dead. So leave your 'artificial consciousness', your artificial mind, and get back to reality, begin to think yourself, there is no artificial thinking.

  10. The governments should set a short term to long term agenda that works in people's favor for the eventual utopia this technology can bring. Cut working hours down to 20 hour weeks or less, more time for people to experience the world instead of being a cog in the societal machinery.

  11. My AI computer algorithm running on how to design and facilitate governments better came up with a model that will not make the Jesuits very happy. ): Just take a guess what it suggested. The computer only had to run 87.65 seconds before it found the glitches in the world's governance. It wanted to run win-win instead of win-lose scenarios to create a harmonious and thriving government for man and nature and began to write its own algorithm to accomplish this.

    My house was raided 52 minutes later by Googles private security forces. Of course, my Algorithm is now on its way to the Vatican Archives. A Google agent told me I could go the jail for life or design algorithms for DARPA and US Naval Intelligence. Hummm, that's not what I was hoping for.

  12. AI IS NOT A NEW TECHNOLOGY. The math is about 50 years old. Many ideas are at least 30 years old. Even Deep Learning is just using 30-year old ideas on a platform- GPU.

  13. Somehow I guess the guy works for a big AI company as a Steve Jobs, the electronic fashion seller, who was good for selling fashionable but quite harmless stuffs. Difference is that this guy sells DANGEROUS ideas. AI is not about losing jobs, but about becoming enslaved or killed.

  14. This guy has no idea of what he is talking about. He minimised AlphaGo down into "just algorithms"… That's like minimising a missile to "Just some chemicals".

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