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7 thoughts on “Cubist Review – with Tom Vasel
  1. Reminds me of Blueprints, love that game. I can hardly wait to get this game. I like you Tom, love dice games. We play Blueprints in my game group a lot. I know the guys will want to play this. Looks like a lot more fun than Blueprints due to the extra things you can do. Great review Tom. Have your daughters played it with you?

  2. It looked like every museum blueprint was made up of ten dice. Now if the each exhibition only holds one dice and the game ends when a player reaches five exhibitions then that would seem to make the museum superfluous in a 2-player game. 

  3. Hey Tom, I was wondering if you have played Blueprints, and how would you compare the two game?  Does one have more depth, replay ability, strategy etc. ? 

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