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Gender Critical | ContraPoints


Let’s go adult human females.
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Acoustic “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies” by Kevin MacLeod (
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48 thoughts on “Gender Critical | ContraPoints
  1. All I ask is that people who transition post-puberty do not compete in sports against cis individuals.
    A man who transitioned to a woman at 18 should not be on the women's softball team, and vice-versa.

  2. When i saw Bolsonaro holding hands with Trump i wanted to throw up. My beautiful tropical country does not deserve this piece of a shit of a man.

  3. Interesting video. But you ignored some other legitimate issues that TERFs discuss. I’m not really sure you understand their perspective as much as you think you do. A lot of things that get blanketed under transphobia are bit more complex than only going back to one reason.

  4. Like honestly, I really like your videos 😍 please never stop making them. I’m currently binge watching them. You deserve so many more subscribers ✨ please make a video of Ben Shapiro ahahaha

  5. Well, I wanted to see if anyone got the core points made here. The initial comments don't seem to, & I'm not gonna read the 700 plus replies, so I'll just point out that at 28:42, you really NAILED IT!!!
    Or rather, nailed them!

  6. A concern I have about trans women being hyperfeminine and conforming to stereotypes, I realise is the same concern I have about female strippers. I see it contributing to patriarchal oppression of women as objects of only beauty and desire. Though as a feminist I believe women should do whatever makes them happy, I'll never put anyone down for doing what makes them happy so… Excuse their beauty

  7. Concern 6 about TERFs saying trans women don't know what it's like to be a woman because they haven't suffered the same way as them… as if there weren't women being oppressed for being women in very different ways. For example the feminists in Iran protesting against the mandatory hijab, you don't see them goung around telling women from non-Muslim countries that they aren't real women because we haven't experienced the oppression of being taught (or even legally/socially forced in some cases) that we should cover our hair. Or cis women who for different reasons (illnesses or other) don't have menstruations or physically can't have children. Are they not women either? Women have so many experiences, and what we should be doing is supporting each other in the different ways we are oppressed, taking into account the ways that womanhood intercepts with other categories (class, ethnicity, sexuality, etc)

  8. This discussion is language critic(like any philosophy) at best and the denyal of individual experience at worst. Reality isn't going to change through the language we use, as language is just a picture of reality not reality itself. It is the picture of reality that changes, and we can decide what picture we paint, a useful one, a realistic one, a hyperrealistic one, depending on what parts of reality we want to discuss.
    It is certainly important to discuss what kind of picture we should use to dicuss a topic, however the focus in that discussion should be directed at finding the most useful picture to discuss the topic, not at finding the picture that allows to dismiss a whole facet of reality

  9. Honestly
    As a non-cis fatb
    Being shamed for your period is such a small thing compared to fucking transphobia
    You don't have any idea what that's like
    So why are you assuming that our pain is lesser?

  10. I was just watching some old Lindsay Ellis stuff, and finally realized that Natalie's teapot fakeout at 15:00 was a reference to Ellis' Phantom of the Opera video


  11. What you call troll-y questions are genuine questions I've secretly had. I massively support trans people because I feel like you get shit on and have it harder than anyone, but I've also felt like I don't "get" it. I'm a cisgender woman and I have no idea what it really is that makes me female, so what is it that trans women want? My horrible experiences as a child and womb-owner do seem to be the main things for me. But actually being a woman means a whole load of different things to different people, and this video really helped me think about it and essentially weed out some of those thoughts and confront them. So thanks.

  12. Brilliant point about the resilence of transwomen in the most abject conditions. Meanwhile talking to terfs really is like talking to someone made out of glass. Their fearmongering about desegregation and their terror of bodies that even slightly depart from a conventionally attractive eurocentric female model is baffling.

  13. Its pretty trendy and advantageous to be trans where I live, they get lots of positive attention and if anyone criticizes them their lives are ruined.

  14. Listen this whole TERF idea of “women are oppressed and that makes you a woman” goes against the whole idea of feminism. I am a man now, but I was a girl once. And I was never oppressed, I wasn’t treated differently, I wasn’t catcalled (excluding once). I wasn’t assaulted. I never have feared childbirth cause I don’t want kids, and my feminist ideology and upbringing made it really easy to not be ashamed of my period. I only started feeling bad about it after I started transitioning.

  15. I've just recently discovered this channel. Took me a while to realize that you were once a man, now that I know it I might be able to see some male characteristics in your face but to be honest that would be either imagination or at the amount of normal diversity within all kinds of people. Anyhow, you are a beautiful person beyond physical attraction, you are intelligent and funny (although not always to my taste) and most of all you are really fair to everyone you critisize and are able to point out the aspects on which you agree with them and this is an extremely rare quality that I highly appreciate. Please continue!
    BTW made me really sad to hear that you are still confronted with the feeling of disgust. I know it is a long way to get rid of that, but I really hope you (and everyone else that has to deal with that) will be able to let go of that some day 🙂

  16. Disclaimer: I'm a cis gay male, so I speak for neither cis feminists or trans people, and thus my opinion is invalid, as yet another man invading women's spaces. All I can offer is an outsider perspective, and LGBT+ solidarity.

    But I think it's a salient point made, that while a trans woman may not have the same upbringing or childhood traumas as a cis woman, wouldn't having to rectify their upbringing as assigned-males-at-birth with their daily circumstances living as a woman be just as constrictive upon their identities as a stereotypically feminine upbringing is upon a cis woman?
    If "gender critical" feminists are intent on pushing back against men's idea of what women are or should be, wouldn't trans women be just as vulnerable to the realization they don't fit patriarchal standards for their assigned gender role at birth (even less so than cis women, in fact), and isn't their re-conformation into society as a different gender role from that which they were raised just another form of pushing back against oppressive stereotypes?
    And what does that say about their own view on what men are or should be, considering the views they reflect onto people who were assigned-male-at-birth? If a trans woman doesn't display the toxic behaviors attributed to men by a "gender critical" feminist, then why are misandrist talking points being aimed in their direction in the first place?
    If the argument is that gender should be abolished in the first place, what about non-binary people who fall under the trans umbrella, were assigned as a binary gender at birth, but reject the binary as exactly an apotheosis of that dogma? Would the rules be different for them if they were assigned male versus female (even though that would fly in the face of "abolishing" gender)?

    I mean let's be honest here, if "gender critical" feminists are so obsessed with pointing rhetoric at male privilege, where do they get off thinking cisgender privilege doesn't affect them? I'm sure that none of them can deny that heterosexual privilege exists when faced with the types of homophobia that have affected lesbian, bisexual and pansexual members of their movement, so I would love to see them argue anything about one's "perceptions" and "choices" if those same arguments were applied to simply choosing to live in the closet.

  17. i found out today that my mom is on a gender critical forum ): she really does the most to make sure she doesnt have to understand me instead she tells a bunch of internet strangers im just her deranged grunge daughter

  18. If someone believes in abolishing gender, so they should support transgenders since by excepting that people can have a gender which is not determined by their birth sex we are subverting the idea that gender and sex is the same.
    Denying the gender identity of a person because of their sex-birth only support the rigid gender paradigm and that is just stupid.
    This is also the reason I stopped being one of those people.

  19. At this point I'm getting more and more convinced that gender really is a destructive hinder for everyone, even cis people.
    But I know that the utopian pipedream of a peace loving paradise that you've instilled in me, will never be realised!
    Now I gained a dream and crushed it at the very same time.
    This is all your fault Nat! :'(

  20. I have a doubt. Why, in subs, when you say "trannies" it's writed with *? My first language it's not english, so I can't understand it 😅 It's considered as an insult? 🤔

  21. Once again a solid ContraPoints video on a complicated subject (even if there's a clear slant towards the trans side of neutral in what is and isn't addressed and who is and isn't presented as an extremist ideologue). I think a lot of gender nonconforming and non-binary people would take some serious umbrage to the silly parody of gender neutrality presented here, though. Not that I think Natalie is silly enough to believe this, but abolishing gender doesn't mean erasing anything that is currently seen as gendered, just erasing or neutralizing the gendering itself. And while this is by no means a small undertaking, it's definitely not utopian. The very act of not conforming to gender stereotypes is itself a step in the right direction here after all.

  22. Oh and just for the record: as of January 24, 2020 Anita Bryant is still alive. She'll be 80 years old at the end of March.

    And yes, I know exactly who she is but I don't know what flavor of pie was shoved in her face.

  23. A soul isn't something a person has that they can lose like a pair of socks. It's what humans are. I see people as Yin souls and Yang souls. All come from the One Source which is Love and Spirit. That's my spiritual metaphysical take on humans. If you know Love then you know Sacred Unity imho. The rest is all symantics. ♡

  24. I can identify with sometimes side-eyeing trans women who present in a hyper-feminine way. I'm feminine but it's more out of jealousy like.. shit why can't I be that meticulous about my nails and hair.. etc? But I feel that way when it comes to anyone who presents in a way I'd like to. I'm just a lazy shit tbh.

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