Consciousness Videos

How will virtual reality change your mind's consciousness


Over a half-century ago, Canadian professor and philosopher Marshall McLuhan wrote one of the most influential books on media theory ever. Understanding Mediaintroduced a number of ideas and phrases that now seem commonplace: “hot” and “cool” media, global village, and, of course, “the medium is the message.” He is credited with predicting the emergence of the World Wide Web three decades before its invention.

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–How will virtual reality change your mind’s consciousness–


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One thought on “How will virtual reality change your mind's consciousness
  1. Thirty years ago I began envisioning VR or cyberspace. One thought was different people would have a certain representation in a person's defined virtual reality. You might represent your friend a certain way. A certain amount would be public and private. Somethings might only be gradually revealed and representations could change. And you, yourself would have a myriad of known and unknown representations in other's reality. Someone might just be a cup on a table that spells words on the surface of a liquid in it to speak. Or whatever one could imagine. The development of amazing VRs would increase our understanding of what virtual reality is and what reality is as well. Not to mention that reality itself can be the same thing as the virtual reality through collecting real time data and predictive capabilities. Virtual reality can be stored, replayed, modified, etc.

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