Consciousness Videos

Mind Body Quantum Mechanics, Stuart Alan Kauffman


Neurobiologists believe the mind brain system is and must be classical physics. For many, at some complexity, consciousness arises. This could be correct but faces what I will call the Stalemate: Such a mind can at most witness the world but, due to the causal closure of classical physics, cannot act upon that world. Such a consciousness must be merely epiphenomenal.
Quantum biology is exploding, showing that quantum effects can and do arise at body temperature. Quantum mechanics allows a partially quantum mind to have ACAUSAL consequences
for the “meat” of the brain, thus solving the Stalemate and answering the problem posed by Descartes’ Res cogitans and Res extensa: i.e. the Stalemate. Our human capacity to choose, in turn, demands that the present could have been different, thus the truth of counterfactual claims. If quantum measurement is indeterministic and real, quantum mechanics and measurement allow the present to be different. I shall discuss these issues and the newly discovered Poised Realm, hovering reversibly between quantum and “classical” behaviors, as a new basis both for the mind body system and a new class of constructable and evolvable
“computers” which are not algorithmic, Trans Turing.

Stuart Alan Kauffman
M.D., Theoretical Biologist, Complex Systems Researcher, The Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle
Stuart Alan Kauffman is an American theoretical biologist and complex systems researcher who studies the origin of life on Earth. Kauffman graduated from Dartmouth in 1960, was awarded the BA (Hons) by Oxford University (where he was a Marshall Scholar) in 1963, and completed a medical degree (MD) at the University of California, San Francisco in 1968. After completing his residency in Emergency Medicine, he moved into developmental genetics of the fruitfly, holding appointments first at the University of Chicago, National Cancer Institute, then at the University of Pennsylvania, where he served as Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics.


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31 thoughts on “Mind Body Quantum Mechanics, Stuart Alan Kauffman
  1. You talk about being rational but you refuse to listen to a person on the merit of his ideas once you hear his politics. You don't care about knowledge, you only care about what sounds nice to you. For all the intelligence you think you have, it's wasted when you succumb to these stupid cognitive biases

  2. Nothing new here, he is attempting to explain the brain system  via  materialistic means, but it remains an open question.Could it be that neither the physics of the classical or quantum be an adequate or capable disciplines in explaining the mind. Borrowing on the incompleteness theorem, these systems of knowledge will  always be incomplete in the exploration and the understanding of mind and body, something other then  physical sciences is required..

  3. Circular reasoning: By assuming that the system is entirely sufficient, he is presupposing that there is no other dynamic acting on the system, which is precisely what he wants to conclude.

  4. …ok I am commenting as I listen. I admit! . At 28min Kauffman spouts garbage about the quantum Zero Effect. Observation does not stop things from happening (eg. radioactive decay) it just can extend lifetimes arbitrarily long. One would need perfectly continuous measurement to reduce decay probability to zero, and that's not technically possible.

  5. Forget the political rhetoric, it's a free speech nation last time I checked. What is WORSE is his cowardly back-handed smearing of Luca Turin. "I do not believe in that…". WTF Kauffman! Belief has no place in science. You either trust Turin's experiments or you can try reproducing them in another Lab. Belief or disbelief is not a scientific option. Belief belongs in metaphysics and speculative pre-empirical scientific debates. When someone like Turin publishes peer review research there is no question of belief, only a question of reproducibility and credibility (non-fraud), and that is quite different to belief/disbelief. If Kauffman says he does not believe Turin, it can only be because he has not investigated Turin's research well enough to make a proper scientific statement about it, and that's at best lazy, at worst it is irresponsible defamation.

    Having said that, Kauffman has interesting ideas, and you should not block your ears to what he has to say just because you dislike his politics. The charge of "nazi!" is way overblown these days anyway. Anyone claiming authority can be called "a nazi" it seems, so the term has lost it's claim to imply moral outrage. As Donny Tinyhands might say, "Sad!".

  6. You can start from the pov of quantum and free will but biological systems are also error correcting and error reductive; or in terms of choosing food, the system is not designed for free choice but making the right choice. Yes for humans we discovered how to hack nature with science but all along we were hacking ourselves.

  7. I sympathize on some of his political thinking, but a lot of his thinking and scholarship on the so called mind body problem is poor. The so called problem of physics is a strawman and a classical hack of scientific thinking. At the quantum level how disturbing would it be if the opposite were true and everything was 'predictable'? Should we then expect the man sitting on a throne in the clouds holding a scepter?

  8. One of the first things out of your mouth was a lie. End of video – because there is no way I can believe anything else you say. In fact, I probably know more about the subject than you do, because I do not proceed from falsehoods.

  9. Appalling opening political statements. If he wants to make a comparison between a political party and fascism then look no further that the British Labour Party which is openly anti Semitic and consorts with terrorists. He should keep his leftie opinions to himself "Presumably there are no Trump supporters in the audience" Patronising and arrogant

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