
Steven Pinker Discusses 'Enlightenment Now'


These days, watching too much TV can make you think the world is going to hell in a handbasket, but psychologist Steven Pinker argues that humanity is actually making progress on every front. He joined Jim Braude to discuss his new book, ‘Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress.’]


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5 thoughts on “Steven Pinker Discusses 'Enlightenment Now'
  1. Hard as this author tries to promote neoliberalism, redistributing poverty isn't solving poverty. Of course Gates endorses this perception. Profits up, from moving production to low wage countries, importing visa indentured labor, and maintaining a lock on high priced Western consumer markets. Bonus: evade taxes offshore on record profits. And, STILL have the nerve to shunt Gates' foreign aid goals to the public wallet.

  2. Great book! Even if only half the data is correct, it still would show huge improvements in all spheres of human endeavour.. it is a strange quirk of human nature that some people seem to need to believe the worst of everything. Prof Pinker's books are important tools for enhancing optimism and confidence in the future. Humanism, I believe, will one day become the dominant world view.

  3. How sad that Pinker avoids mentioning some of the most negative and urgent developments occurring in the world today, global warming and the extinction of biodiversity. These are rapidly going in a negative direction. This intellectual seems incapable of discussing what will surely be the defining processes of this century and that will have the greatest impact if we don´t blow ourselves up first.

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