Consciousness Videos

The Emergent Universe


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Science has shown our universe is emergent and in this video, we explain why.

A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram:

Spooky Action 101: Is Space as We Know It a Kind of Illusion? | George Musser

From Planck data to Planck era: Observational tests of Holographic Cosmology:

Entanglement is necessary for emergent classicality in all physical theories:

The Big Picture: The Talk – Sean Carroll

Space Emerging from Quantum Mechanics – Sean Carroll

Time from quantum entanglement: an experimental illustration:

Closer To Truth w/ Fotini Markopoulou

Measurements on the reality of the wavefunction:

Rebooting the Cosmos: Is the Universe the Ultimate Computer?

The Physical World as a Virtual Reality – Brian Whitworth

Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe:

Quantum structure in cognition – Diederik Aerts

Information processing in brain microtubules:

Live visualizations of single isolated tubulin protein self-assembly via tunneling current: effect of electromagnetic pumping during spontaneous growth of microtubule:

Atomic water channel controlling remarkable properties of a single brain microtubule: Correlating single protein to its supramolecular assembly:

Experimental Studies on a Single Microtubule – Anirban Bandyopadhyay

Deep inside cells, a clue to the mind:

Linoleic acid: Is this the key that unlocks the quantum brain? Insights linking broken symmetries in molecular biology, mood disorders and personalistic emergentism:

Non-linear dynamics in biological microtubules:

Multi-level memory-switching properties of a single brain microtubule:

Quantum Cognition and Brain Microtubules – Stuart Hameroff

Quantum cognition: a new theoretical approach to psychology:

A Construct of Social Reality – John Searle

The Mysterious Flame – Colin McGinn

Mind and Cosmos – Thomas Nagel

Debate – Sam Harris, Michael Shermer vs D.Chopra, J.Houston – The Future of God:

More Than Matter – Keith Ward

Network Cosmology:

On the complexity and the information content of cosmic structures:

The Strange Similarity of Neuron and Galaxy Networks:

The Origin of Time In Conscious Agents:

Entangling Conscious Agents – Donald Hoffman

The Introspective Argument:

The Death of Materialism:

The Case for the Soul:

Was Life Inevitable?

Music Credits:

Battle of Kings:

The Land of the Wizard:

Evan King – Singularity

Digital Fortress:

Video Copilot – Caverns

Anomaly Detected:

Rallying the Defense:


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35 thoughts on “The Emergent Universe
  1. This is an excellent video with one small exception – your choice to add distortions and flashes throughout which is both distracting and potentially dangerous for those who suffer from epilepsy.

  2. Ugh. "Quantum woo".
    There's nothing magical about quantum physics so why would anybody be surprised that quantum processes underlie some aspects of cell biology? Nature manifests whatever it may, and evolution inevitably finds a way to exploit it. But this doesn't say anything about whether or not brains could work just as well using some other mechanism. This is a serious point. All the meaningful stuff that is going on in your brain is happening at the synaptic level and above – i.e. at a much higher level than what goes on inside microtubules. The potential involvement of quantum entanglement is at most a nice performance optimization. As you will discover soon enough when the first AGI's achieve consciousness at some point in the coming decade.

  3. Thanks. Great vid. Been considering this for a while now in respect to non duality and am becoming more and more convinced that this will be future general knowledge.
    I recently put this idea into a song, I'll leave a link. But, as a mediator, this seems to be the only thing that makes sense. The state of awareness feels more akin with this explanation than it being an emergent property of a purely bio-mechanical brain.

  4. Appreciating your great work IP. Given the vast discovery of quantum mechanics and its relation to the universe. One of the best collaboration of scientific papers into one video. Great work bro… 😊

  5. So we would be equivalent to existing on the surface of a neuron that is located inside another entity's brain?…All of which are hallucination an ultimate,higher consciousness?

  6. Do atheist have a crisis when they prove the existence of God? Did they think it all the way through when they discovered quantum physics experiments are affected by an observer?

  7. I like this video as it gives rise to a lot of interesting thoughts. However, I do feel like you are mixing a lot of theories to end up concluding that we and all around us are the product of a higher mind.

    I strongly believe that spacetime is an emergent phenomena of quantum entangled networks of elementary particles. But this does not necessarily mean that the true underlying nature of our existance is 2D or stated in the holographic principle theory. The holographic principle was originated from the information paradox theoretical physicists were struggling with understanding what happens with matter falling beneath the event horizon of a black hole. You connect quantum entanglement with this 2D universe. Why couldn’t be a 5D world in which space and time as we feel, observe and know it are obsolete? Just like the holographic universe? One thing is for sure and that is ‘spooky action at a distance’ is real, but we can not even comprehend what a world without our definitions of space and time would look like.

    Furthermore, you refer to microtubuli in neurons and quickly dive into the phenomenon of quantum tunneling. You are correct that more evidence is piling up that these structures in neurons play an important role when it comes in our understanding what memory or consciousness really is. Tubulines play indeed an important role building neural dendrites in- or decreasing the neural membrane potential. On top of this the tubulines network has some remembrance as it is defined by the nature of the binding strength of these small proteins making up the total of microtubuli structure of a neuron. You may compare this with a memristor. This process is at the base of synaptogenesis and neuroplasticity. From this micro and molecular point of view, consciousness is just an emergent effect from the nature how our individual neurons are constantly changing its dendritic network to be more or less sensitive for electrical current. What some physicists simply state as “just some firing of neurons”. All these individual neurons can form circuits with neurons from other parts of the brain to form memories, rewarding behavior and even a conscience.

    I like your comparison of galaxies and the neural networks (circuits) in a human brain. The thing is that humans and all matter in the universe all obey the same set of ‘rules’. Even like structures could be seen everywhere. Golden ratio and fractals are on the same page. For me comparing neural networks and galaxies as if it is the evidence of a master mind is the same as saying darwin,’s evolution is the language how God made life and us, human beings.

  8. An idea to simplify math; if in the theory of quantum strings we replace a quantum string with a quantum one – a sphere of quantum type "rosebud", then in the physical model we can consider work; quantum gravity, entanglement of quantum particles, dark energy of the Universe, interweaving of the cobweb of the quantum network of Einstein's smooth space with the chaos of quantum fields.

    Ball of thread – assembled from a quantum string. It disintegrated, it turned out to be the visible Universe.

  9. Isaiah was talking about God leaving the direct presence of His creation, stretching space/time behind Him.
    "The train of His robbed filled the temple…."

  10. Atheists are just now discovering what theists have said since the dawn of man, we’ve emerged from the mind of a conscious God.

  11. @Inspiringphilosophy The holographic principal does not necessarily point to a god or supreme consciousness it only states there may be a lower dimension of space projected from infinitely far away which we will never be able to interact with. ADS CFT may be a hint at a holographic universe, but our universe doesn’t appear to be negatively curved ads space as the principle states it would necessarily be. Nor does it have 4 spacial dimensions, as Juan Maldacena calculations show.

  12. "In the beginning God created…" I'm in electronic media. The first part of creativity occurs in my mind. An Eternal Being just thinks and it – to us, becomes our reality. Do you think that there are other 'realities' , other thoughts by the Eternal Being tht we are unaware of?

  13. I don't know where it fits on that idealist/materialist spectrum, because I don't think this is what the middle one thinks either, but.. what if it was both? What if reality is an emergent property of the mind, and the physical structure of the brain does create an emergent mind, which creates the reality that it emerges from, etc.? Like some sort of infinitely nested mobius with no set beginning or end? That doesn't make a lot of rational sense, I suppose, but I would expect one who is both alpha and omega to have no trouble with it.. And if you created a little mirror image of that one, what would it look like?

  14. Isaiah 55:8-9

    King James Version

    8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

    9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

  15. Fantastic work. This is almost exactly the conclusion I’ve reached in my own multidisciplinary pursuit of truth: one of objective idealism, nondualism/monism/polarity, a holographic (& likely fractal) geometry, self-organization… I believe that everyone from David Bohm to Helena Blavatsky to Plotinus to the Hermeticists to the earliest Vedic Hindus who recognized Advaita Vedanta— the “coincidencia oppositorum,” the unity of opposites or the principle of polarity— have been on the right track for millennia, originally probably based on little more than their own personal mystical experiences, & that now science is validating the mystical worldview… Its just astounding to me. I’ve suspected it in some form or another since I was maybe 15 years old, but it has taken me a decade to develop the frame of reference to sensibly model & begin to truly understand the utterly unbelievable nature of reality. So many threads are converging right now. It’s synchronous that I found this video tonight at all. What a moment to be alive. I hope anyone who reads this will recognize that we are different manifestations of one & the same being, & that’s all there is. 😉

  16. lol just found darkmatter on one of the comments still thinking that when we refer to the uncaused first cause we're talking about Ra or Zeus or Odin or something

  17. The strong equivalence principle is looking increasingly correct, seemingly confirming that gravity is fundamentally geometric. The notion of quantised gravity needs rethinking, perhaps quantum mechanics is emergent from a fundamentally geometric universe?

  18. Just because a coin and a six-sided dice can be modeled by a 600-sided dice, it doesn't automatically follow, that a coin is the same as a six-sided dice.
    So from the statement, that quantum mechanics and consciousness can be modeled by Hilbert-Space, can't automatically follow, that consciousness and quantum mechanics are the same. Much more evidence is needed for that statement to be true than that comparison.

  19. The moment you say "the holographic principle" and my first thought is "that's my favorite Epica album!". Lol Epica is such an unnecessarily deep band.

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