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The Riddle of Consciousness | SAGES & SCIENTISTS: Menas Kafatos – Part 1 – Deepak Chopra

The Chopra Well

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Description: Eminent physicist and author Menas Kafatos discusses “The Riddle of Consciousness.” How do we know that what we see and experience is reality?* How do we explain consciousness in the current scientific paradigm? Kafatos is joined by Deepak Chopra to explore these fascinating questions.

Watch Part [2]:
Watch Part [3]: 

SAGES & SCIENTISTS is a weekly series on The Chopra Well featuring insights in science, spirituality, and technology. The series is sponsored by the Chopra Foundation (

THE CHOPRA WELL is a new Youtube channel created to encourage people to live healthier, fuller lives and to be more aware. Deepak, Mallika and Gotham Chopra, as well as many other friends and experts, join together in this inspiring project for personal and global transformation. The channel features daily shows about spirituality, wellness, healthy living, humor, and much more.

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10 thoughts on “The Riddle of Consciousness | SAGES & SCIENTISTS: Menas Kafatos – Part 1 – Deepak Chopra
  1. Sages and Scientists is one of the main drivers of evolutionary synthesis.. as a synthesis of modalities and dialog (and debate) Sages and Scientists is a role model for the new "University"….taking concepts and ideas and moulding them into viable philosophies and yes "science" Honed down to some essential insights and conscious investigation. What a brilliant series..I am always so excited to see what is new not to mention ALL of Deepak's many insights and synthesis.

  2. Menos says "The term consciousness is a loaded word" and that sums it up. That is why the discussion can become divisive in some talks because the term consciousness is not even truly definable. It is a placemarker not a literal noun or verb…Consciouisness "IS"
    "Consciousness" is not truly a noun or verb …Consciousness is vast and yet we "know" it as we sense it with something akin to the 6th or 7th sense.

  3. Without consciousness, there is no science. Consciousness IS existence with awareness and infinite capability. Apparently there are lots of people who don't KNOW this. Interesting, isn't it?!

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