
The Universe Beyond Visible Light – with Jen Gupta

The Royal Institution

Astrophysicist Jen Gupta explores views of the Universe at wavelengths other than visible light, from familiar objects like our Sun to weird and wonderful distant quasars.
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Jen Gupta is an astrophysicist who loves to talk about how awesome space is with anyone who will listen. She is currently based in the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation at the University of Portsmouth where she is the SEPnet/Ogden Physics Outreach Officer. She also occasionally works at the Winchester Science Centre as a Planetarium Presenter. In her spare time she help to organise the Winchester Science Festival.

Jen did her PhD at the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Manchester under the supervision of Professor Ian Browne. Her research looked at active galactic nuclei (AGN) – galaxies that are emitting far more energy from their centres than can be accounted for by their stars. In particular she focused on a subset of AGN called blazars.

This talk was filmed in the Royal Institution on 14 April 2016.

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45 thoughts on “The Universe Beyond Visible Light – with Jen Gupta
  1. beetle juice is not a star it's an entire galaxy chain, not a star I can see the galaxy around it any fool can see it. Seriously how in gods name can you not see exactly what it is from any of the telescopes we have in space_ Do you actually see Beetlejuice and believe you see a star. Because that is insane. Its a galaxy chain along with the other galaxy chains near it.

  2. All of the Cores of the Cosmos, including Black Holes are Solid Crystal Core Quantum Computers!

    When the Black Hole gets heavy enough it does go through a dimensional shift and "falls" into a new set of Geometric Space-Time

    Think of it like this, the Supermassive Black Hole falls through this Space-Time Continuum and creates its own new Space-Time Continuum, and its own new Universe

    The physics are actually already mapped out, but the concept is that the new Universe within the Supermassive Black Hole has a "Time Rate" or a "Tickrate" that it MUCH faster than our own, so inside the Supermassive Black Hole Time occurs much faster compared to our continuum

    And because all Matter in the Universe, all the Crystal Cores of the Cosmos, through the use of quantum computations are actually able to grow not only themselves, but the space they occupy, the new Universe within the Supermassive Black Hole has the potential to either Grow and Expand, or it will Shrivel and Contract

    If the Supermassive Black Hole is growing! It will be able to spit Matter and Energy back up into the Universe that it is residing in and grow a Galaxy around itself!

    The idea is this, Planets grow into Stars, Stars grow larger and larger and have planetary nebula and give birth to more planets, the planets become stars, the biggest stars become black holes, the biggest black holes become galaxies, while each one is a Crystal Core Quantum Computer and through the use of physics they are all able to grow not only their Matter but they also grow the space they occupy

    I know it is simple, if not superficial to say planets become stars stars become black holes, black holes become supermassive black holes and host their own universe and then feed the universe that is supporting them by growing a galaxy around themselves, but that is exactly what is happening

    Just like life the Universe grows and expands, to infinity and beyond!

    The Universe is a Multidimensional Multiverse, that is a Cascade of Universes falling infinity into more and more massive and dense states

    Black Holes within Black Holes, Universes within Universe

    The physics is all mapped out, there is no big bounce and there is no big crunch, there is just the continuation of the ever expanding continuum, and the infinite continuums within

    video on quantum gravity –

    Orion Michael Guy

  3. 43:18 Interesting to hear about Betelgeuse's approaching supernova. According to Wikipedia, when it happens "it may outshine the full moon", and "would be easily visible in daylight". "This type of supernova would remain at roughly constant brightness for 2-3 months before rapidly dimming." Fingers crossed it happens in my lifetime! (Although that sounds extremely unlikely.)

  4. All of what she said is common knowledge in the world of physics. She kept using the word we as if she did the work herself. She is trying to take credit for other astrophysicists work. I'm not impressed.

  5. Is it ok for me to say I might be in love? I don't know why I never looked for a Royal Institute YouTube channel. I guess I've always had this image of TRI as being filled with caddy but brilliant man babies in powdered wigs bitching about Hooke and Boyle bitching about each other or members getting into slap fights over whether Newton or Liebniz invented Calculus. I suppose I should've realized this isn't the 1650s.

  6. I am sorry to say that while you seem like a lovely person and you are definitely very intelligent, I was not exactly floored by your talk. I have heard much more boring topics discussed in a manner that made it interesting to the audience.

    Instead of telling people about the thing and then showing them, say the infrared camera for instance, I feel you should do it the other way round. Show them the image, create a bit of mystery and interest and THEN let people in on what the image or item means. Otherwise it comes off as a bit boring. I am sure you can truly create a much more engaging lecture and these are not simply pot shots at you. I promise.

    I think that in order to make sure an audience is listening and paying attention, you need to test an audience. Showing them something they might not understand and THEN explaining it, is a wonderful way for a speaker to make sure the audience is not just listening to the words, but intrigued as to what then explanations might be,

    Otherwise thank you for a lovely talk and I hope these kinds of presentations do bring about a greater interest in science.

  7. Seems like the stereo sound isn't centered, as others have commented on it as well.
    Hopefully I'm one of very few but I can't focus on what she says at all because of this. Please be aware before releasing future videos.

  8. This is a very interesting lecture. I liked the fact that the glasses were passed out to the attendees AND one of the cameras. A very well delivered lecture Jen Gupta.

  9. Everything in the universe from gluons to solar systems are in orbit with something pulling them into polarizable axial or helical apparent waves depending on the orientation of their orbit as they travel thru space in our expanding universe, right? As a layman, it would seem that the most likely and most simple explanation for particles like photons to act like uncertain wave packets, yet still be particles in wave particle duality is that they too are simply being pulled into an orbit. No? And since we know we are in a sea of undetectable dark matter, it seems this must have been the first assumption by the physics community at some point, no? If it was the case, it would explain the double slit, uncertainty, etc. and the amplitude of waves would be the orbit diameter of the particle and the wavelength would be its orbit rotation speed relative to travel speed. Surely this idea has been considered and proven not possible, right? Could you please point me to the specific experiments, calculations, theories, etc that have disproved this possibility? Thx

  10. 8:53 ?I don't think we have a good starting point for the future of the big members to not know what I first saw this on my way back to the road so I will be quiet and nothing else happening as ocasionaly you can pick up really couple low resolution of the big planets.

  11. Thanks believed that every spectrum has and equal and opposite spectrum of each band or frequency including electricity magnatism and so on whether known or unknown.

  12. The universe is so amazing with it's immensity and all the weird objects in it like pulsars, super massive black holes, active galactic nuclei. It's a mad scientists dream!

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