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24 thoughts on “Day 4: Theoretical Physics Session, Edward Witten
  1. An interesting aside.
    Q. What is meant by Resurrection of the body? What body?
    A.~~~~~That body thou hast taken in thine "individuality" to draw upon, from matter itself, to give it shadow or form…see?
    That same body ye had from the beginning! Or the same body that has been thine thruout the ages! Else how could it be INDIVIDUAL?
    The physical, the dust, dissolves; yes. But it is condensed again what is it? The same body! It doesnt beget a different body! 267-86
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Edgar Cayce the sleeping prophet of Virginia Beach

  2. at the end witten will know that there is 7 universes and the answer is love …love is the holy grail of physics and math and conseciouness is fundemental and we are living in virtual reality and god is ONE cause there is ONE truth…it all metioned in Quran

  3. Thank u fer the Share.
    Dr. Masaru Emoto's work on water crystals.
    In the Vedas their is 5 senses and 5 elements wonder if able to quantify the "force exerted under controlled (start with a very un-refined human, then an Avatar of the Highest refinement)….(if Mother Approves, LMAO!!!) and perhaps a rough baseline of quantifying the force exerted by the soul?
    Water Chrystal's reliably record emotions and "force" exerted, can this be the medium for interpreting speech and force exerted by "soul" or the life force that thus far remains un-quantified. shown by his work. So we have the 20 fundamental constants , Ramanujins work on packets and string theory…takes so many strings per packet of force…..Am doodling away here, Tesla's, "If one would understand the Universe study the effects of the numbers …3, 6 and 9. "
    Wonder iffin we would end up with 12 dimensions to bring this foward.
    LMAO! I know absolutely that i absolutely know nothing.
    What are the "base line" vibratory rates fer the planets of this system and collectively, these are all ONE! NEVER two, always ONE.

  4. Whatever u say,Ed Witten is considered one of the most smartest theoretical physicist ever.he is called physicists physicist,geniuses genius!!

  5. He can solve the mysteries of the universe but can't walk up a small flight of stairs. Just kidding…Witten's a hero of mine. Not many truly deserve the accolade genius. Like Einstein and Feynman, Witten's one of the people who define what the word means.

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